
Odd.. Is this legal?

by  |  earlier

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Is it legal for someone to go up to the police station and ask the cop about what happened to someone when they were being arrested. This seems very odd to me that someone can just walk into the police station and asks to see tapes. Also do the cop vans have cameras in them as well?




  1. It's certainly legal to ask, but the police can't hand over the records.

  2. Anyone can go to a cop shop and get the arrest records of anyone, unless the person is a minor.  It's called public information.  Tapes, I'm not so sure about.

    Having video recorders in a cop car I can see.  This is a sue happy world.  If i was a cop I'd want to cover my a@#

  3. No its not. Unless the person is a spouse or a lawyer the police should not be giving out any information about someone who was arressted.

  4. You can ask, but if you are suspecting police brutality they aren't going to tell you anything.  As far as the cameras inside the van I'm not sure.  I would file a complaint with the dept and think about a lawsuit if the situation warrants it.

  5. im guessing its only legal 2 ask if u n othe person but who cares
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