
Odd Vibrations/kicks?

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I am 30 weeks, I will get these like vibrating/spasm feeling under my b*****s I guess like by my sternum. What the heck are these? Anyone else get them?




  1. It sounds like your baby has been getting the hiccups.  I know it feels really strange, but, it's perfectly normal.  Good luck and congratulations!

  2. Omh me too! I'm 37 weeks and have been getting it since about 32 weeks. But mine r down low....but yes...its like a vibration. Its wierd...almost like they hav a leg cramp and they r shaking it out really hard and really fast. I dont know what it is. Freaks me out. Hahah. Sorry i couldnt be more help...but i get it too!


  3. Kind of sounds like your baby has hicups!! Awww :o)
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