
Odd algae in Bettas tank?

by Guest59243  |  earlier

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Our sons fishtank has gotten on odd green film in it. I know algae collects in tanks, but i've never seen it like this. Its a dark emerald green, and it forms in ribbons, and covers things almost like a spiders web. Any advice on what kind and how to prevent this would be great!




  1. believe it or not algae is actually kinda healthy. you should get the betta a little 5 gallon tank with a small filter. it will help your algae problem

  2. Thats the same thing that happen to my Fishtank!!! just clouds of Algae in the tank and you have to clean the sides and the gravel....clean 75% of water in the tank and make sure u have 25% left in the tank or else the bacteria will be out and you have to recycle the filter again for 3days with no Goldfish in it. So just try that...every week less and less Algae will be gone... mine algae is almost gone so just will not harm your clouds of plants growing in your tank.

  3. hmmm im not sure what kind it is but u should try keeping the fishtank out of sunlight

  4. We use fake plants. Bettas like fake plants. Get rid of any real plants, and put fake ones there.

  5. you just have to change the water more often is all

  6. I would suggest cleaning the tank thoroughly, getting an algae eater of some sort, or getting some algae-removing tablets.

  7. get an algae  eater

  8. It just needs cleaned more and it will be fine

  9. ask a vet

  10. will i have a 5 gallon tank 2 with fake plants and every thing so that doesnt mean any thing u sould just clean it more often and change the thing that hold the filtrs dirt it in the filter

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