My bearded dragon is about 1.5 years old now. We've had him since he was a baby.
He all of a sudden decided he doesn't want to eat. He's also bumping his nose on the glass ALOT. And he's digging his hands and feet into the sand. He's acting like he wants to get out alot.
He normally eats 3 superworms a day, and some greens and squash. Right now he won't have any of it. He hasn't for nearly two weeks now.
His cage is at about 95 degrees in the basking area, and he lives in a 40 gallon tank. He did alright shedding this year. When he's out of his cage, he exhibits signs of being healthy. His tail is up and he's curious, and his mouth is the right shade of pink.
Any ideas??? We will take him to the vet soon, but I wanted to see other's thoughts first. Thanks!