
Odd dream, what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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I was competing in a race for sports day at my old school.Odd because i never in my life took part in sports day.

So anyway i was running and i came joint second with this girl i know.So we were then going to re run the race just us 2, to see who wins.

But as i was sat down resting a teacher noticed my ankle was broken,ending the re run and naming the other girl winner as i couldn't run again.

This then switched totally to me and my band performing, but it was all going wrong and everyone was booing us.I then saw my mum in the crowd holding up a sign saying "FAIL".

Really what does this mean :/




  1. This dream reflects you doubts about yourself.  The good thing is that you came in second but I wonder if the broken ankle represents you inability to stick to things.  Maybe you give up too easy.

    The other dream relates to your fear that your mother is correct and the band will fail.   She knows you and the possibility you will not stick with the long enough to give it a chance.

    Let me know if this was helpful.

  2. Dont worry about any odd dreams they are not going to come true unless by god. Scientificly, you have dreams as a way of your brain and your nervous system getting rid of un-needed information. That is why many times you cant remember something that you thought you would remember. Its simply your nervous system "renewing" itself so dont worry.

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