
Odd feelings at 21 weeks pregnant?

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I get weird feelings in my head. The only way I can explain them is feeling dizzy but nothing is spinning. I also have anxiety and when my anxiety is bad the feelings get worse but I'm scared it could mean low blood sugar or that I have low blood pressure. My husband works 2nd shift and just went to work about 2 hours ago. I dont work due to my anxiety which makes my anxiety horrible when hes gone.. I get scared with these feelings in my head that I might pass out and no one will find me.. I've also noticed some vision problems. Not bad just different, Ive read in "What to expect when you're expecting" that those can be normal but I just want to make sure that neither of these things could mean something bad. Can you go to a neurologist and get tests done when you are pregnant?




  1. I would ask for an early gestational diabetes test. Why? Because Im a type 1 diabetic full time and when my sugar gets low I get uber antsy and lightheaded. Not to mention my vision gets super blurry if it gets too low.

    You could have early gestational diabetes which isnt uncommon.


    You are not having a miscarriage

  2. Have you talked to your OB about this? I would definitely check with your OB and see what he says. About seeing a neurologist while pregnant, you can see one and get evaluated. However, they will not be able to do any tests such as an MRI or a MRA. Which they do to make sure there is nothing serious going on that they can only see by getting those tests done. I believe you can get an EEG done while pregnant which they do while your sleeping to see if there is any negative signals in the brain. And you won't be able to take any medication if anything is going on while being pregnant. I would see a neurologist just in case though. Talk to your OB to make sure tho. You will need to get a note from him stating you are pregnant and how far along in order to see a Neurologist. They like having that information on file before seeing a patient. But I am sure everything is fine.

  3. When you get dizzy, that usually indicates a miscarriage.  IN SOME CASES, of course.  Like, vertigo.  Best to ask your Ob/Gyn.

    You should not have any test administered that are NOT pre-natal related.  Your Ob/Gyn will advise you on what type of doctor to see.  You would not want to put your baby's life in jeopardy.  

    A neurologist would require that you have utilization management (or pre-certification) prior to going.  You'd basically need your Ob/Gyn's approval and referral to visit one. All specialists in this field will require it.

  4. i went through some of the same things when i was pregnant. i say there is nothing wrong with being checked if it doesn't harm the baby in any way. but with all the different things going with your body now, that can be expected. it may help when you get those feelings to talk with someone over the phone just to give you the comfort of knowing someone is with you if something were to happen. i hope this helps a little bit. and good luck with your new family!  

  5. You need to see a doctor!

  6. call and ask your ob/gyn if its ok. i had to have my ob/gyn sign a release form for the dentist.

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