
Odd love and s*x question?

by  |  earlier

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i know i asked this a few hours ago, but the answers were so great i was hoping to get more... sorry if you are reading this twice :)

say for example, you are madly in love with your significant other.. the two of you are great together, have lots of memories and experiences, and you even enjoy making love, all the time, in lots of different ways.. you enjoy pleasing each other...

now, your significant other has been gone for a couple of weeks, and you boht miss each other terribly... he/she comes home, and the first thing you do is make wild, hot, passionate love to each other?

do you think that the need to make love and the need to just want each other has outweighed the fact that you fell in love because this person is supposed to be your life long companion?

in other words, do you feel that you are driven because of the need to have s*x and be sexually satisfied with your lover, or would you be just as happy if they came home and you just had them to hold in your arms, happy to be there with them?

its hard to explain properly, i hope someone gets what i'm asking...

i guess its like, is the need for s*x greater than the need for companionship, and is this an ok thing, and why? yea, thats more like it!




  1. Your situation is definitely not normal. Seems like you're addicted to s*x, and he has to work hard to satisfy you.

    You women don't consider how much of a physical strain constant s*x is on a man.

  2. I enjoy both. I do not always need to have s*x with my man in order to feel loved by him. I do need a certain amount of attention, and he is very open to pleasing me. On the other hand, I am always ready to please him, and I try to remember that it is a strain for him some nights.

    That said, my need for companionship is far greater than my need for s*x. My guy was sick a few months ago, and we had to stop having s*x for a little while. I enjoyed just as much if not more,lying in his arms and just being with him. There is nothing better to me than the idea that we can just be together and not need to have s*x all the time.

    I love my man, and I would love him no matter what. When I get up, I think of him, he is the first person i talk to in a day (besides my son) and he is the last one I hear at night. Love is much stronger than attraction, we all know our s*x drive will ebb and flow, but love and companionship is what keep love alive in the first place.

  3. I think you are attracted to the opposite s*x on many levels, emotion

    al, physical etc. And just because s*x and a physical relationship is important to you does not mean that you would not be happy just spending time with them. As long as you like each other on a level deeper than s*x this seems fine.

    And Purple Sunset, I don't agree with your answer. Both guys and girls like s*x, it's a normal part of the relationship and a way of expressing feelings. It really isn't that demanding at all. Guys love s*x and i've never heard of any male complaining about excess of s*x.

  4. LMAO us women dont consider how much of a strain it is?! yeaaaa....

    um but thats not normal, at all.

  5. If the burden of loving s*x, and having s*x is a great need versus abstinence until you soul mate comes home. why not go professional and earn money on the side 12 hours a day.

  6. It totally depends. On everything. I mean, there is no set answer to this. Sometimes the s*x need is greater and sometimes the companionship need is greater. Most of the time we get the companionship done first, then the s*x. I reckon that both areas needs to be met equally. But that also depends on the time of day they get home and the day ie. sat, sun. what day? Who knows?

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