

by  |  earlier

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My birth certificate is a shortened version, it lists only my place of birth and the date and my name, as well as a few other things that currently slip my mind, if I remember correctly it doesn't list my parent's names. Neither does this other peice of paper from the hospital (the ones they put on the cradle in the nursery to indetify the children), instead on the "Mother" line it is blank and at the end says "#3"

This seems odd, I don't think I'm adopted but it just makes me wonder......




  1. Is this the only thing that makes you think of this possibility?  If not, I would ask your parents.  I am an adopotee who has always known of my adoption and am OK with it.  I have however read of many many cases of LDA's (late discovery adoptee's) These people usually learn of their adoption upon the death of their parents.  This is unfortunately for them too late to get information that they may desire or make them too old to try to reconnect with a birth family if they desire to.  Chances are it's nothing but I doubt your on here asking unless you have other doubts.

  2. Not sure but if you find out you are I hope you know how much your parents love you.

  3. No, that sounds around right. You can order your long Birth Certificate which has your parent(s) name(s) on it.

    :D happy hunting

  4. interesting...maybe you should ask your mother about this.

  5. I think you should ask your parents straight up hopefully if you are adopted they wil lbe honest and your questions will be answered if you are not your mind wil be at ease

  6. Most people only have short forms of their birth certificates, it is usually unnecessary to have the long form.  If you have any questions, ask your parents.  You can also go to the health department or vital records department where you were born and request the long form.  I gave birth to both of my children, and the birth certificates we have for them only list their name and date/place of birth.  I have the same type of birth certificate.  My husband has a long form birth certificate as well as a short form.

    As for the crib cards, they usually do not include a lot of information either.  The ones I have in the baby book for my children have my name on them, they are listed as "Baby Girl LastName" and "Baby Boy LastName".  I suppose some hospitals, especially in the past, could have just used bed numbers instead of the mother's name.

    Just ask your parents...
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