
Odd question but... can anyone tell me the dimensions of a 19" LCD Bush IDLCD19W016HD TV?

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I'm interested in buying a 19" Bush IDLCD19W016HD TV but I can't find any details of the size of the actually TV anywhere (I know what size the screen is, obviously!) I have a specific space which the TV is going to fit into so I really need to know the size before I buy. Anyone got one they can measure for me?! Thank you! :)




  1. Can't tell is this is the one - it has sizes for 'a' Bush 19" LCD

    I'd look at one before you buy - Bush is a budget brand and cheap LCD screens can sometimes be very disappointing. Not saying you shouldn't buy a cheap one, of course, just look before you buy.

  2. I had the same problem in my living room only i wanted the largest screen type to fit into a corner so what I did was measure for the stand first then make sure I could get a tv to fit it withe dimensions of the stand because most HD and LCD PLASMA TV's now don't come with a suitable stand to mount it,. Saying that you may have a stand for the TV so measure that and where you're thinking of buying it ask them if it will fit .

  3. I really wouldn't worry.

    After you've taken it back to the shop under warranty for the 4th or 5th time in as many months, you'll want to get something else anyway.

    Yup, Bush products really are that unreliable (which is why they are so cheap...).

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