
Odd question of the night: What was your PREVIOUS favorite team, and why did you switch?

by Guest58049  |  earlier

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Just curious on this one . . . getting onto your heads a bit, if you don't mind.

Thanks all!




  1. Red Sox fan since the late 90's

    I'm 17 so I didn't watch the World Series until '98 and I went to my first game in '99. I was lucky only to have a 6 year wait until they won big.

    And to Tom<3Morello: Angels for 5 years? So that means you've been an Angels fan since they won the World Series.. hmmmmmm

  2. Chicago Cubs only cause colorado didn't have a team, switched to the Rockies when we got them

  3. When I was in First Grade and I lived in Montana mainly because of the influence of my Mother's friends and my First Grade classmates I was a Rockies fan...than I moved to Iowa at 6...and all my Grandpa watched was the Twins and everything Minnesota....So I switched...another reason was at that time I was taught that my Family Parents/Uncles/Aunts/Grandpa and Grandma were all born in Minnesota and most were athletic and only watched Minnesota sports

  4. The Yankees and still a Yankee Fan , i am always going to be a fan simple as that   nothing or nobody is going to change that fact

    then you should rephrase your question to : Bandwagon fans  which team did you root fro First

  5. If your a real fan you don't switch teams. I have been a rangers fan for about 5 years and thats when I started to follow baseball and even though every year they have sucked I have still been a ranger fan. If your a true fan no matter who bad your team is you stay a fan of that team because eventualy they will be good.  

  6. My NL team was the Giants for many years. After Barry Bonds I was a little disgusted with them. The Giants broke my heart almost as much as the Tigers.  

  7. Well I have alway loved the Red Sox and always will, but i used to kinda like the indians in the 90's (because of Manny, Thome, Kenny) that was the team but then they got rid of all of those players and ive dis liked them, but when they got rid of omar that crossed the line, but now i have a little respect for them, b/c my family move to cleveland, but i stayed here in Boston, so every time i see them we go to a tribe game, and now i get to take them to the whole series in boston for the four game set, starting Sept. 22

  8. Yankee fan since 1970 & will never switch teams.

  9. Yankees fan since childhood. And I'll go to the grave being a Yankees fan. I don't switch.  

  10. Cardinals fan when my Mopther introduced me to the wondeful games of baseball in 1957.  Still a Cardinals fan and will always be a Cardinals fan

  11. the A's but then i switched to the yankees

  12. uhhh i never switched ^^

    Even though i do have other teams that i like to see do well my heart belongs to the angels ;)

  13. Grew up in toronto sooo loved the jays...(still do)

    Now im in AZ and i wathched the Diamondbacks win it all! that caused the change!!

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