
Odd thoughts...does anyone think the same?

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I am having odd thoughts... Why do i keep thinking and doubting that my friends/everyone around me has s*x while i don't...? I feel like im missing out on something... And i am really getting worried especially when i think about the girl i like...?




  1. you may be in your late teens but that doesnt mean you need to have s*x. Many people save themselves till 18 if not 20+ and teens who claim they've done it - sometime lie due to peer pressure but if you do an annonymous survey or something like they did once in an british school as there was a documenatary, like nearly 70% were still virgins..

    but the guy above is right - its puberty and this stage will pass.

    answer please;;...

    thank you & hope i helped.

  2. How young are you ?? Its called puberty ... Teenager ? Its part of your cycle of life buddy.

  3. Don't ever feel pure pressure.  Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean that you should. It's just like that saying "would you jump off the cliff if everyone else was doing it"?  Be smart about your decisions in life.  s*x isn't everything.  Believe me, wait, and when it's time or when you first do it with the one you love, you will realize it was worth waiting.  You are not missing out on anything.

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