
Of Mice and Men quote help?

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I am reading the book titled Of Mice and Men, and I need to understand this quote for school. The quote is that "the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." I know that it means that no matter how much work is planned, some things may still go wrong, but how does it apply to Lennie and George, and other characters in the novel, like Candy, Crooks, etc?




  1. it has been a very very long time since i have read this book but if i recall correctly they had a plan to live out this happy life where lenny would tend to the alfalfa patch and they had it so perfectly planned out and talked about it so frequently and it just didnt work out that way.

    lenny was such a simple and gentle creature and yet the most horrible thing happened to him.

  2. I have to read that book for high school during the summer time I'm starting ninth grade and we have to read 2 books write about them and a whole ot of stuff. So Unfair.

  3. They planned to have the farm with the rabbits, remember?  And they finally thought that it was going to be a reality, but Lennie was Lennie, and it never happened no matter how bad they wanted it and no matter how much money they had and no matter how hard they were willing to work for it.

  4. The quote you also need to know is a reference to the Robert Burns Poem, "To a mouse" and the actual line is "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men..Gang aft agley."

    And well Lennie and George had a plan to live off the fatta the land right? And they always had the dream of their farm to fuel them, but things didn't happen quite like they wanted did they? And a mouse might have a plan too, but just like the mice Lennie kills they might have had a plan too. Candy wanted to live with Lennie and george, and he's not quite useful anymore because of the loss of his hand, which again wasn't planned.

    Almost all of the characers are shows as "invalids" by a cause greater than their own and that no matter what their dreams or plans were, things didn't work out.

  5. Lennie and George's plan was to work and save up some money to buy their own farm or land. they planned it out and they thought it was going to work but Lennie kills the girl and their plan was ruined because Lennie was killed

  6. Think of Lennie and George, how things were looking up for them and it seemed like their luck had changed and then things turned tragic.

  7. Well, off the top, Lennie and George were planning on getting a place of their own and working their own land. That doesn't end up happening. Same with Candy pitching in with the two of them. And Crooks probably didn't plan on getting kicked by a horse and being crippled for the rest of his life.

    All their plans went awry. Pretty clear, not alot of smoke and mirrors there.

    The quote means that it doesn't matter if you're a mouse or a man or a cricket or a microbe. You really can't decide wether something happens or it doesn't.

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