
Of all of the emotions humans feel, which to you is the most useless? the most destructive? the most necessary

by Guest10731  |  earlier

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and please let me know why you think the way you re: specific emotion.




  1. Worry is the most useless and the most destructive.  It prevents us from thinking clearly how to actually deal with the problem, and worry in itself never achieves any resolution.

    The most necessary is compassion.  Love, respect, and many of the 'positive' emotions are all offshoots of compassion.

  2. useless and destructive emotions would be:fear,because fear has no use in our world,it is an unnecessary emotion that jumbles and worries the mind with such trickiness of our wandering mind gone wrong.We fill our head with bad notions of bad spirits and bad happens that may have never occurred had we of never thought of it in the first place.We create our own fears in our mind.Bad thinking produces bad happenings,the mind plays tricks on us,which produce fear,which can actually harm us and kill us with a heart attack from worrying too much.Scared to death type of thinking.

    The most necessary is to love one another and have respect toward each other as humans should wanted to be treated with dignity.

  3. most useless? Road rage, most destructive? Jealousy ,the most necessary?

    Love , my reasons are obvious.

  4. anger.

    because in the heat of the moment you say or do stupid things.

    you're not thinking straight.

  5. To me the most useless is worry because it makes you miserable and sometimes you find out that there was nothing to worry about in the first place.And it also puts a huge weight on your shoulders. I used to it all the time and it was affecting my health and im only 16.

    The most destructive is either anger or depression. It can make people do the craziest things.Experience.

    and the most necessary is either happiness or love. Makes you see things in a new light.

  6. Passion is the most necessary of the base emotions, as passion is what drives us to feel. If we are indifferent, then we feel nothing and experience nothing. Anger, Hatred, Love, Worry, Fear, Kindness, they are all derived from passion.

    Arguably, though, humor keeps the world sane. :D

    Of these, anger poisons the mind and causes destruction of both enemy and self. It can be powerful, but it consumes the wielder as a fire would.

    The most useless? I feel no emotion is useless. :]

  7. Envy is destructive...

    But envy is also necessary..


    envy... haha

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