
Of all the men that go to the Mosque, hear the Khutbah. How many actually explain it when they get home?

by  |  earlier

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How many men after Taraweeh or Jummah come home and tell the rest that could not make it what the message was? Is this obligation that is not being done?




  1. I actually wish my father would do that! Sadly does not happen,well anyway Insha'Allah when I do have kids I hope my husband would do that i.e relate what happened in Taraweeh to me and my kinds!

    I plan to go to Taraweeh so I can benefit more, but indeed a woman's paryer is far better at home!

  2. last i checked there was no hidden meaning in taraweeh prayer. they try and get thru the whole quran in 30 days, what is to explain? im reading quran every day at home.

    and who are you to judge how i am raising my kids? do you know them personally?

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