
Of her ridicalous behaviour ,I begining to lost interest with my girl friend .

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I want to break up but she take care of me very well like, belanja makan for me, wash my clothes etc.....but she treating me like a school boy!!!!




  1. please don't leave me my dear. i promise i will treat you like an old man.

  2. just tell her straightly if you want to break up with her, she deserve a better man

  3. i suggest that you stay single for few years

  4. You had a wife and you ditched her. Now a girlfriend and you're picking on her.  You know what you really need right now?  It's therapy!  You have one serious problem with relationships.

    You don't want to be treated like a schoolboy and yet you're acting like one since that she has to take care of everything about you including belanja makan.  Seriously, get some help.

  5. transfer her to me. she'll b in good hands. i desperately need some1 to belanja me. i hope my avatar explains well about my currnt situation.

  6. Becuse you act like a school boy.

    What else can you expect if you act that way?

  7. waw...she treat u very well

    just telling her what actually is happen..

    sometimes ladies very well 2 us but she didn't realise that it can be pressure 2 us...

  8. First you divorced your wife because of your girlfriend, now u wanna break up with ur gf and go for who?

  9. ask your self..what you really want? how you want to be treated?did u  tell her and discuss about this? and ask your self are together with her because you like her/love her or because he treat u well and belanja u makan?

    please be honest to your self and other person

  10. Well I think your reasons for staying are selfish.  Wash your own close and certainly do your own "belanja makan" (whatever that is.

  11. You've got to talk to her, man............

  12. She takes care of you and you feel sick about it? She belanja you makan and you want to leave her? She washes your clothes even she isn’t your wife yet and you see her as ‘behaved strangely’?

    BTW, what’s wrong being treated like a school boy? Did she beat you on your butt? I treat my bf the same way she treated you (except the part of belanja makan coz my bf would never take that) but my bf said he loves me because of that.

    I'm so sorry to say this but what an unappreciative creature you are….

  13. What ridiculous behaviour ? The spying on your handphone thingy ? That's what you get for being loved by someone. If you can't handle it, then you are not ready for any relationship. You should learn to appreciate being loved.

    Seriously, I don't understand where you are coming from... It's really V.E.R.Y  E.A.S.Y  to tell a girl to stop being a slave.

  14. I'm sure you're still too young or immature to appreciate a 'woman' like that.

    I'm guessing you're looking for a girlfriend for show & fun. It's all good if you want that. However, once you are the one that's gotta keep buying her stuff & makan & do her chores, you'll realise the girlfriend you have now is a godsend.

    By the way, if you want to break-up then do it. Do not play with people's feelings. Karma will come back & bite you big-time.

  15. its clear to see why she treats you like a skool boy,,

    she takes care of you,  belanja you makan and wash your clothes,, she is mothering you,, that is what mom does to their kids.. thats is wy she treats you like skoolboy. If you dont like it,, you have to take charge,, belanja her,, take care of her,, so that she will feel she is under your shadow and you are taking care of her,, she will feel secured and will treat you like a man.

    you have to give one to take one,, so if you really want to break up with her,, tell her now,,you got to give up being taken care and being fed.

    She sounds like a nice girl but if u dont want,, talk to her like a man.

    Better be single than suffering in a relationship.  

  16. ...its time!!!....u know the motherly instinct!!!! wats yr plan like????

  17. Oh dear dear ! Can't you see ?  She is telling you that you should also belanja her, buy her clothes and treat her as a girl friend.  Otherwise, she is training to be your better half....

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