
Of the 10's of 1,000's of "Christian" churches why does Jesus only suffer a precious few to bare His name?

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Of the 10's of 1,000's of "Christian" churches why does Jesus only suffer a precious few to bare His name?




  1. Because everything is made up.

  2. The actual CHURCH is NOT a building or an organization.

    THE REAL CHURCH is the Body of Christ composed of those who have been "born of the Spirit" and who have (truly) received Christ as their Saviouredeemer and LORD.

  3. Actually there are approx 500,000 various religions on the planet. Most of the denominations of various faith's use words from ancient tongues, a few have modernized yes.

  4. With so many Christian sects claiming to be the "right" one, the only reasonable conclusion is that they're all wrong.

  5. There is only one Church: the Body of Christ.  No building has any significance unless it is being used by the Church.  If it is, the name of the building does not matter.  Neither does it matter that the Church often meets outside of buildings.

  6. I don't know if you mean the literal name on the church as in , 'The Church of Christ', or those who teach his name.

    If it's the latter, Jesus made it quite plain who is and who isn't following after him:

    23 Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.  (John 14)

    They are the one's who follow after Him.

  7. I am of thr opinion that it matters not to Jesus whose name is on the building.

    It is in the hearts of the believers that he knows who has His name inscribed therein



  8. Umm; 'cause He was Jewish, not Christian?

  9. Jesus only named one church.  His church is not, organized denominations arguing my denomination is right and yours is wrong. Christ's church is His believing followers; people who have accepted His gift of salvation by faith.  They are call in the English language Christians.  Denominations were invented by man.

  10. You  worship   GOD  in  spirit  and in  truth.This  is  done   from  within  ones  self  needing  no    church  building  or organization.JESUS     has   many  children  of  many  different   nations   tongues  and  races.You   bare  his  name  in  faith.It   does  seem    that  there  is  but  a  few   yet  only  GOD   has  an  exact  number.   THANK  YOU  D'S

  11. coz he's biased

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