
Of the 4 forces observed, how is magnetism unified with temperature and pressure?

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i hope you get a good education. so all 4 are or are not charges (repulsion and absorbtion). do you know about diamagnetism. if i understand correctly with enough cold they can make even a frog magnetically suspend due to magnetic force.




  1. Electromagnetism , Gravity, Strong and weak nuclear forces are the four forces. Magnetism can only occur when you have a current moving through the molten Iron. High magnetic fields are used to produce high pressures and heat in extreme high temperature industrial processes. Such as in a foundry. As far as being unified I think you mean.......How are Electromagnetism, The strong and the weak Nuclear forces unified?

  2. because when iron(example the inner core) is at such a high temperature its atoms want to expand and become a liquid cause there excited. but wit so much pressure it stays a solid. which creates a magnetic feild(wat protects us from solar winds and things like that) and the sun has the oppisite magnetisum in its cor so in turn they are atrracted to each ther which is y we go around the sun. im 14 years old.

  3. Temperature and pressure aren't "forces" of the kind you are referring to.  The other three are the strong and weak nuclear forces and gravity.

    James Clerk Maxwell showed that magnetism and electricity were both effects of the same force, or field, unified now as electromagnetism.

  4. I don't understand this question. Magnetism is a property which is mediated by the electromagnetic force which is one of the 4 forces in the so-called Standard Model. The other three are gravity, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force.

    Temperature and pressure are not forces and so are not up for unification. There is unification of the electromagnetic and weak force.

  5. None of the forces have anything to do with temperature and pressure.  Look up the equations for the electric and magnetic force and you will notice absolutely nothing about temperature and pressure.  

    By the way, not all four forces have opposite charges.  I don't really know the Weak force but I know the Strong force only attracts.

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