
Of the 7 goals mentioned in the US Constitution, defense is 4th what are 1,2,3 and why are before defense?

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please list them in order and explain how well we are living up to the goals.




  1. to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense.

    thats 1 2 3 4

    the first three are before defense because that is the hierarchy order. would you reorder those?

    second question... how well "we" (meaning the United States) or Citizens as individuals?   as a whole, we suck, as individuals it depends on the person and how they feel about achieving these goals

  2. 1> to form a more perfect union,

    2> establish justice,

    3> insure domestic tranquility,

    4> provide for the common defense.

    Number 1> establishes government, and that has to be first. Personally I think we are doing a darn good job. Democracy in the world today exists because of our government. So do human rights for that matter.

    While the US government is not perfect and we need to drastically overhaul our elected officials as a group and as individuals by making them personally accountable for both actions and inactions.

    Number 2> This is where the USA has fallen down. When a society no longer holds individuals accountable for their actions the no one including the society is accountable and there can be no justice.

    Number 3> Insure domestic tranquility is a function of number 2 and it is slowly coming apart at the seams. If the November election does not hand our politicians a shake up then we sill see pitchforks and torches in the streets with in the next year. Accountability will be delivered when We The People resume our authority which has been lent to Washington.

    Number 4> As a Veteran myself I believe our military to be the very best in the world. None of the Mickey mouse c**p that the news media has charged our Military with amounted to a hill of beans and the Military Command should have had to brass big ones to tell those people until you have served a tour in Iraq in uniform keep your pie hole plugged. I am so proud of our troops they take it on the chin every day to keep the killing in Iraq instead of your cities. Thank You to the Service men and women all over the world.

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