
Of the dozen or so "theories" of who shot JFK, including the official one, which should I believe?

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without the appropriate security clearance, aren't we just guessing?




  1. JFK was killed by an Irish Mafia hitman. Kennedy's family was in the mob and when he wouldn't cooperate with them they killed him, but you are right.

  2. actually, harry, lee harvey was NOT an expert sniper.  he qualified as marksman, the lowest rating in the marine corps.

    sorry, hi, i get kinda peeved by misinformation.  anyhow, i don't know which, i can't think for ya.  i will suggest however, like many "official" explanations the JFK investigation, if you can call it, that was full of holes.  and too, it must be remembered that many elements floating around back then were also still around and active in 2001.  elements in, or associated with, government agencies.  elements involved in the bay of pigs fiasco.  elements involved in assassinations and covert activities around the world; what some have called agencies of a "shadow government".  the same elements which at the least contrived to cover up the truth, who invented a new physics to explain a magic bullet.

  3. forget the theories. jfk was killed by a lib with a gun.

  4. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK..Oswald was an expert sniper. Its cut and dry!

  5. a gun shot him, believe that one!

  6. No, we're not. We know for a fact that it was George W. Bush. The democrats told us so.

  7. None, and you're correct in the guessing.

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