
Of the twelve zodiacs, which two are most alike and which two are most opposite of each other?

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my answer:

most alike - Virgo and Gemini

most opposite - Gemini and Capricorn




  1. alike-sagitarious and leo

    opposite-capricorn and gemini

  2. gemini is most like itself.-blurey

  3. Virgo and Cancer have a LOT in common. Gemini and Capricorn are like night and day.  

  4. Most alike - Scorpio and Taurus said to be opposites, but they are both stubborn, love money, and possesive and jealous.

    Most opposite - I don't know.

  5. I think I can only answer this question based on myself as a Pisces.

    So, most alike, Cancer and Pisces because they're both moody, emotional, creative, caring, introspective etc signs. I feel that the majority of their differences seem to be more in the DEGREE at which their traits are expressed.

    Most opposite, Aries and Pisces because Aries are impulsive while Pisces are contemplative, Aries are energetic and active while Pisces are lazy or passive, Aries do while Pisces dream, Aries knows what they want while Pisces rarely does, Aries have simple needs and a charming naiveness while Pisces is complicated and complicating, Aries are impatient while Pisces are patient, Aries are fast while Pisces amble, Aries are independent while Pisces are usually needy, Aries lead while Pisces would rather follow... need to go on?

    I love both Cancers and Aries for all the above reasons!

  6. Most Opposite - Aquarius/Capricorn

    Most Similar - Virgo/Libra

  7. I think the most alike are Gemini and Sagittarius mainly from my own personal experiences being a Gemini and knowing a bunch of Sags.

    And what what Shady said. :D

    Now opposites...probably Gemini and Capricorn. Again, mainly from my own experiences with them.

    I'm blanking out now and I can't think of anything else.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  8. Hi, Well although this is general, because the entire charts plays into each person; in my personal experience:

    Most alike:

    Aries and Gemini, because both like action and crave constant mental/physical stimulation

    Most different:

    Sag and Cancer, because with Sag anything goes, and with Cancer, they stick with tried and true

  9. gemini and sagittarius seem alot alike. both are blunt, free-spirited, cheery, and good-humored.

    i'd say aries and capricorn are complete opposites. confrontation between them will most likely end up a fight to the death.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

  10. ACTUALLY: the signs that are exactly 6 months apart are the most opposite! they pull in exactly opposite directions. they are:

    aries libra

    leo aquarius

    sag. gemini

    capricorn cancer

    taurus scorpio

    virgo pisces

    they are the opposites as much as you can figure.

    the earth signs are the body and the water signs are the soul

    the air signs are the thought and the fire are the movement of the body

    most alike: the earth signs are all alike in a very strong common way, as are the fire and the air and the water. each element holds us together.

    BUT then there are the types though too: capricorn and cancer are complete opposites but are on different ends of the same spectrum. they are similar as they are cardinal signs which means they are leaders with the desire to make things happen and to see them through. but how they go about things are completely different. they would both want to be first at something but cancer would pop up and say something while capricorn would simply do it. they might both want to initiate marriage between them and their lover, but cancer would imply and beat around the bush and capricorn woudl come right out and say it. they would both be hurt if their lover cheated on them, but cancer would forgive and capricorn would up and leave.

    so the fixed signs: taurus, scorpio, leo, aquarius all have in common their stubborn nature.

    the cardinal signs: capricorn, cancer, libra, aries all have the me first nature and the initiative and the desire to lead.

    the mutable signs: pisces, gemini, virgo, sagittarius all have in common their changing and flexible natures and self sacraficing ways.

    but on one level they can be opposites due to elements or similar due to quality.  

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