
Of the various TV shows dealing with the paranormal, which are the most authoritative/scientific /real to you?

by Guest62953  |  earlier

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I'm a fan of Most Haunted, but they employ more psychics on their ghost hunts and my perception is that there is a lot of interpretation going on versus real scientific investigation or proof.

I also watch Ghost Hunter with TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society. They use a lot more equipment and seem to employ a less interpretive and more scientific approach to determining whether a structure or area is haunted or not.

Some believe there are no such things as ghosts. I dunno. After seeing some of these shows, I'm more of a believer now, particularly when you see those orbs floating or a spectrographic outline of a being, or objects that move on their own.

If you are a follower of these shows, which ones do you watch and why? Which ones do you believe, and which ones are mostly people just spooking each other out in a dark house?




  1. I don't get any of them I live in a Vally and only get one channel and do not have cable or satellite.

    I know television shows are about ratings and are staged mostly.

    I  must agree with Nuff and the spamming of Team. I also have nothing against you personally but your questions and answers seem more like spam advertising than legitimate questions and answers.

    I would love to hear your views and experiences without having to endure the spam.

    I may be wrong and you can correct me if I am but it seems you are here only to promote yourself and your group.

    I am not trying to be rude but honestly your Q & A' s are really frustrating and seem to be only advertisements.

    I get the feeling we are being baited


  2. The National Geographic "Is It Real?" series tends to deal with paranormal topics and is usually is pretty balanced about presenting scientific explanations for perceived paranormal happenings. As far as more mainstream ghost hunting shows go, I guess Ghost Hunters (TAPS) is the best for not being too credulous and looking for natural explanations, although sometimes the science (or what they call "science") they present is pretty hokey.

  3. s****. Doo!!!!!

  4. I've only seen bits and pieces of the supposedly real shows.I can't figure out why the don't turn the lights on.Another thing,why not bring a few AC adapters for their equipment?s****. Doo used to be the most real.Now they fight real monsters instead of exposing the hoax.

  5. Almost anything on the History Channel or on the Travel Channel. They do the shows as fairly as possible and don't try to influence your opinions.

  6. none, they are all pure and simple entertainment. They are all collecting money on the current popularism of anything paranormal. And to Team: quit with the answers billboard for your group, enough already. Nothing personal, but I have never mentioned the name of my group here, it's registered nationally but I am not going to beat everyone over the head with it. I have nothing against you personally, or your group, but enough with the advertising dude. its like watching a late night ambulance chaser attorney ad on TV.

  7. I am a paranormal investigator  and i prefer watching Taps because they use the method we do;  we go in with an open mind and use equipment + Scientific Method to gather research... We Debunk first and foremost and it helps us gather substantial evidence in are conclusion report..


    Lead Investigator

    T.H.E. P.R.O.S.

    Team Hunting Evidence of Paranormal Research Occurrences Society

    *please sign our guestbook*

  8. I do tend to watch these shows when they're on, but I always do so with a skeptical eye.

    There is a common problem that every single paranormal investigator (that I've seen, anyway) is guilty of.  The assume that if they can't explain it, it must be a ghost.

    It they have orbs in developed photos, it must be a ghost (they don't consider that it could have been the light of the flash reflecting off of dust particles in the air).

    If they feel a 'cold spot', it must be a ghost (rather than a draft coming in through a small crack in the wall that is common in old buildings that are often the subjects of these investigations.)

    Also, the 'science' that they employ has absolutely no evidence backing it up.  The thing that bugs me the most is the use of EMF detectors, or the 'tri-field meter', which is the same thing.  Whoever said that ghosts give off electromagnetic fields in the first place?  There are EMFs everywhere in the world around us.  They are in cars, street lamps, flashlights, cell phone and digital watches.  Sometimes (actually quite commonly), electrical wiring will have a small electrical surge that results in a 'spike' on an EMF detector...but they attribute this to a ghost.

    I don't think I've ever seen a compelling piece of evidence for the existence of anything paranormal.  Watching these shows, however, is a good way to exercise your critical thinking skills.

  9. I think Ghost Hungters - Taps (the atlanta paranormal society) is as real as you can get.  They don't just assume there are ghosts.  They try to "disprove" rather than prove.  When they cannot replicate or prove a strange phenomanon then and only then will they say "yes we believe there is paranormal activity in your home,etc..".  They don't like to use the word "haunted" loosely.

  10. Some are better than others, but considering they all conduct the investigation with the assumption that which they are investigating exists, I would say none approach any sort of scientific method.

    Isn't it at least slightly suspicious that none have shown any sort of compelling evidence that the ghosts they are investigating even exist?

  11. Now we have THREE "John S.s " on here now. If ya'll change your avatars a will we be able to know who it is???

    As for your question...I don't have the patience to watch those shows. I esp. don't like the "beady eyes" on Most Haunted. I do like A Haunting & Ghost Whisperer and esp. Medium. I believe about one fourth of what Sylvia Browne says (only when an audience member seems to sincerely confirm what she says). I kinda like that new show...the psychic contest show...a little. I'd rather be on here..hearing what has happened to people. I trust Y/A people more than the ones on tv.

  12. ghost hunter is the most authentic in my opinion. I know you love most haunted, but the possession thing seems too convenient and rather fake to me.

  13. My favorite show is called A Haunting on the discovery channel.  I record it every day on my DVR as its on at weird times (middle of afternoon and middle of the night).  They interview people who have had their own paranormal experiences and recreate them with actors.  They don't quite show all the physical evidence like TAPS, but nor do they give you any reason or indication that the people are making their stories up.  I have had my own wild personal experiences, so I don't have any reason to doubt these accounts.  Some of them are pretty over the top freaky.

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