
Of these 3 Canadian cities, which do you like the best and why - Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver?

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Of these 3 Canadian cities, which do you like the best and why - Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver?




  1. I've been to all 3 and I have to say Vancouver even though I've lived most of my life in Toronto, you forgot the East Coast!! Halifax is the best!

  2. Montreal is great if you speak French

    Vancouver is fantastic, but too expensive, and too far from the east coast

    Toronto a good compromise, GTA even better

  3. I think Montreal's the best because of the culture and the history. There are lots of languages spoken around the city and the nightlife is great. There's lots to do all the time and you'll never get bored. The hockey fans are crazy and the atmosphere is wonderful. But I live here, so I'm biased.

    Toronto is much like Montreal, but louder and dirtier, and the night life is just not the same. Plus, the Leafs suck.

    Vancouver is a beautiful city. I loved the scenery when I went there and walking around is a lot of fun. It's an extremely clean city and the people are friendly. But everything is just too expensive, so I'd never choose to live there.

  4. Montreal by a little bit.

    I live in Vancouver but I loved Montreal when I was there. (Plus they make the best poutine there.)

    I have never been to Toronto... but I've never really had the desire to go there.

  5. i like Montreal and most people would gladly help u out and speak in english if u ask them too. Montreal seams a little more historic then Toronto and there are lots of unique places to shop and dine at. there is lots of stuff to see and do with in walking or a couple of subway stops a way. i haven't been to Vancouver yet but it look fabulous and hope to get out there one day.

    i have lived in Toronto so i'm a bit biased when it comes to my home town. but i have been to Montreal and have had a good experience there.

  6. Vancouver. I admit that I'm Australian, but Vancouver being a great city to visit is also the gateway to Alaska which is even greater.

  7. I like Montreal best of these three.  I was born there. I know my way around there. I have a lot of great memories of my time there. I still have family and very good friends living there. Great food. Great entertainment. Great history and great people.

    Vancouver would be my 2nd choice. I moved there in the 60s when some of the west end was still the original buildings. Another place  I have good memories of. Also have friends and family living there or close by - Tsawassen. Weather in the summer is grand and at least not freezing in the winter. Good food. Good Entertainment. Great beaches. Great people.

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