
Of these fish, which are not compatible?

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female betta, crab, shrimp, loach, livebearer, gourami, danio, catfish, barb, algae eater, cichlid (both African & South American,) newt, salamander, freshwater spiny eel, discus, knifefish, koi, fancy goldfish, and angelfish.

If I can incorporate invertebrates, I'd love to. I'm most interested in developping either an angelfish environment or a cichlid environment, and I want to add more fish if I can. Tell me all you can about fish, please.

Thank you!! :)




  1. salamanders and newts need to be kept cool (under 24C is a must under 21C is better) will eat small fish (and may attempt to eat larger fish) and can be stressed out by big fish

    so that means non of the this on your list are any good

  2. I don't know about the tropical fish, but I read that Catfish and Goldfish can be put together into one tank.

    However if you go for fancy goldfish, make sure you don't mix fast swimmers, a.e. Comet and common goldfish with Ryukin and or Orandas, because the fast swimmers will get to the food faster then the fatter slower swimming fish, also it's not advisable to mix telescope and bubble eye with fancy gold fish which have 'normal' eyes, also a food thing.

    You could however, if you fancy putting one or two bubble eye and telescope fish together with orandas and others of the same family if you hand fed the telescope and bubble eyes.

    Koi can, to my knowledge, be put together with the common goldfish in ponds.

    With crabs and shrimps you have to be careful that they don't eat the other fish or get eaten by them, especially shrimps seem to be the favourite food of many fish species, but I'm not clued up on which once.

    Hope that helped you a little and somebody else can explain to you how the other fish species fit together.

  3. koi with go very good with common goldfish and shubunkin

  4. this is totally messed up..koi is a pond fish..moreover goldfish are coldwater...everything else you have mentioned are tropical can either have a tropical setup with heater..or goldfish in a coldwater tank..not both of them....first decide that...the next is how big of a tank are you planning to setup..a cichild or angelfish tank should not be less than 55 gallons...becos both of these grow big...and you cannot have salamander, eel,algae eater everything in one tank...gosh you are confused..

  5. No Cichlids. They are aggressive and should only be kept with other cichlids.  So if you are getting a large tank you could do all cichlids they are really fun but don't mix well with others. Not a community fish.

    You have to be-careful with who you put with Bettas.  I have 5 females in a 36Gal tank with 2 Rams and a school of red tail Rasbora along with a clown pleco and a Golden Algae eater (who is the best at cleaning the tank, almost too good).  That community works for my fish with no problems.  

    Knifefish and Discus along with the Spiny eel AKA Tire track Eel are not good for beginners.  So if you are new to the hobby you might want to wait on these fish.  They have some special needs.

    Salamanders and Newt are normal kept with like animals They need a tank set up specifically for amphibians.  Altho in the half of the tank where the water is you could put some goldfish that's it as far are fish friends go for Newts. Newts like it cool tropical fish like it warm they don't mix.

    The best set up for a community tank would be

    2 Shrimp,

    3 yo yo Loach,

    3 Live-bearers, Platys are best (1 male to 2 female they reproduce like crazy, or just one s*x)

    1 Gourami, ( If you kept the Gourami out you could add a betta)

    5 min Danio (I am not a fan of these fish their are better schooling fish to pick from)

    3 Cory Cat or 1 Sucker fish (No Catfish they get way to big)

    2 Angelfish.

    Remeber the common Pleco aka sucker fish gets to be 12".  But there are other types that stay small my Clown Pleco will only get 5".  But they are VERY MESSY!


    Those would all work fine together is you had a 50+ Gal tank and have done your research. If you don't want a large tank rethink the Angelfish.

  6. I'm going to say which are not compatible in the least. Such as Discus and Angelfish are not. Eels and Shrimps/Crabs are not. Bettas do not seem to be compatible with many other fish, just Danios, and sometimes Loaches and Shrimps/Crabs. Cichlids are not compatible with much of anybody as well (just barely Eels & Loaches). Koi can exist with Goldfish, and vice versa. Algae eaters tend to be aggressive with anybody, unless you have a Plecostomus (not a Chinese Algae Eater). I don't know about the Newt or Salamander, but pretty much all the rest can coexist with each other.

    If you need more info, I find that is a good guide.

  7. the betta should not be with those, about the others I don't know.  But definitely get the betta in a seperate cage or something because even the females can get somewhat aggressive.

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