
Of you that think we should support the poor...?

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How much more of your money do you want to give away? you want to give them healthcare so are you getting a second job? working another 20 hours? leaving college early to get a job to cover it? bleeding heart liberals who say one thing and do another.




  1. Hmm how about no jo no benefits? Sounds like a good plan to me. Oh wait I suppose its not fair to actually make some one work for something when it is there god given right to have it for free.

  2. No. In Canada and USA if you want money you will make it. If you are willing to work hard and strive to make something of your life it will happen. I have worked in downtown Toronto before and met so many homeless men and when I asked one of them as a test "Come work with me and I will pay you to sand floors" he said I dont want to work. So I asked him "Why are you asking me for money?" Most are lazy s***s.

  3. We need to help the down and out get back on their feet but we need to do it in a way they promotes them regaining their independence.

  4. Obama's Global Poverty Act will increase the amount of foreign aid by over 800 BILLION.

    I guess we know his opinion of the matter.

  5. You want to help the poor here, stop Foreign aide at $480 Billion a year!

  6. All of the AID to the poor (including medicaid, welfare, SCHIP, food stamps, etc.) Is about 260 billion in this years budget.  That's about 10% of the budget.   Most of that 260 billion is medicaid.   Defense is more than twice that.  Service on the Debt is almost twice that.  Medicare (which is not a program for the poor, but one that every senior gets) is twice that.  If you paid $3000 in taxes, the portion that went to the poor was $300.  Less than a dollar a day.  If you made $20/hr the portion of your day working for the poor was 3 minutes.  It does not take 2 jobs or 20 hours a week to help the poor.  Even if we doubled aid to the poor it would take only 6 minutes of your work day.

  7. actually...tossing them a bone to keep them from uprising and unsettling or cause the complete dismantling of our already teetering economy isn't a bad thing.  Sometimes you selfish, shortsighted people cut off your own nose to spite your face.

  8. Unfortunately, most homeless chose to be that way and still go home every night to their apartments or houses. I know it's sad but there are also people out there who need help. But they don't need money. Most are able to work but there is no job for them. Look at Michigan. The automotive industry has been making large cutbacks giving Michigan one of the highest unemployment  rates in the country. We need job opportunities and proper, affordable education. We also need tougher laws on our vagabonds. I hate getting asked if I have spare change every half a block. Give them a job, give them food, but don't give them money. It's what they want or they would have a job. And when it come to healthcare for every one...maybe we should have some of the tycoons from the drug companies give back what they steal  from us every second of everyday.

  9. As long as bleeding heart Libs are around, they will continue to bastardize the original intent of welfare.

    Look at New Orleans for God's sake............what a quagmire of "let the government do for us, because we are too entitled for far too many generations to have to do for ourselves".

    h**l, maybe we should all quit working and get on the taxpayer dole.....except where would that "free" money come from then?

  10. There are many good reasons to help the poor.

    1.  You are a caring person & hate to see suffering

    2.  When you improve living conditions for people they are more productive and can begin to help themselves.

    3.  Crime rates often drop when people are more optimistic about their future.

    Help like Fair Trade, The Heifer Project, etc. is a really productive way to help, but so is providing drinking water, etc. that helps to stem disease.

    The truth be told most Americans have so much more than they will ever need it is rediculous to be so stingy.  Yes, it may take you longer to get the house, car, etc. you want, but at least you have an opportunity to do so.

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