
Off Ice training...?!?

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I was wondering if there was any ice skating moves that you could practise off ice. Maybe stretches to improve your flexibility and stuff.... Also what types of sports are good for a ice skater to do and what types of food should you eat more of and what should you eat less of?

Thanks if you answered xx




  1. Think of dancers...they do the same without the skates or something to skate on!

    gymnastics is a good sport to consider or ballet! modern dance

  2. ok, well off ice you could practice your lunge and sit spin position, that is what i do.

    I also do gymnastics, ballet, and pilates Those stretches are specifically for figure skaters and they do help you become more flexible.

    Also for the food, the day you go skating try to eat things like pasta so you have more energy.

  3. Ice skaters are highly trained in ballet huni, most of their moves are taught off the ice via ballet, and then they train them on the ice. As long as your willling to put the hours in and be disciplined, you'll be fine.

    There will be examples on youtube, look on there and learn a few tricks, it will help when you are ice skating. I would also suggest learning to do the splits, it gives your legs so much more freedom on the ice. It will also allow you to do the splits in the air while Ice skating :D

    Im not an ice skater, but i am a gymnast, and when i go ice skating I find it alot easier to balance etc because i am trained in ballet, and because I can do the splits. I would not suggest gymnastics, only because most of the moves in gymnasts that you are taught, will be no use on the ice. Stick with the ballet, it will teach you how to get the perfect triple etc.

    Best of luck hun x x

    Oh and with the food thing, keep eating whatever you are eating, and make sure you get enough carbs and sugars for your energy, otherwise you wont be able to put the effort in and go all out. Girls that say you should eat salad or whatever when you are training a sport are stupid, dont change your diet other wise your body will become weak, and you'll injure yourself.

  4. I have been skating for 6 years, so i'll let you know what others and i do at my club do to maintain a skaters body.

    First, ballet. Ballet teaches you poise and good posture, which is critical in the skating world. ballet helps with your backspin, spiral, landing position, and almost all your jumps. Another alternative to ballet is pilates. Pilates help strengthen the core(middle part of your body) If you do not have a strong core, doing axels, double jumps, and triple jumps could result in injury.

    For stretches, the straddle stretch helps stretch your hamstrings, which can help make your spirals higher, and in the future, be able to hold your leg straight up while skating. Also, sit on the floor and try to wrap your hands around the top of your feet. they call this gorilla feet.

    For food, try to keep away from foods with high fats, high sodium, and hydrogenated oils in the ingredients. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables like blueberries, strawberries, and bananas because the bananas fill you up for a longer period of time. Stay away from processed foods, like ready made meals, or side dishes, obviously sweets, and soda. try to get into the habbit of drinking water with every meal because drinking lots of water helps to flush out the toxins in your system. Also lastly, try to find ana all natural market like trader joes, they have food that can sometimes be cheaper and better for you than a regular supermarket.

    For more off ice training tips. go to

  5. I have been skating at my rink since i was a little girl and since then i go everyday twice a day. I go from 5:00 till 7:00am and 2:30 till 5:00pm so yeah i know what to do. My rink has a off-ice class. There we do jumps spin postitions and lots of techninks to help our artistic skills. we also have a ballet class that we work on grace elegants and balance. It helps a lot to run at lease a mile everyday it helps build muscles in your legs. for stretching try simple ones like reaching for toes while standing up. I also advise if your a dedicated skater stik to one sport it can get really cause stress if you do more than one sport.

  6. ballet is very helpful, as is pilates.

    it's important to eat healthy balanced meals, and when training you should eat 5-6 small meals a day, rather than 3 big ones.

    for stretches, start out by working on all the spiral positions you do. also work on backbends and splits. also strength is important, so pushups and situps are a must.

    good luck!

  7. well, what level are you at...?

    beginner senior

    Stretching - every day (I'm NOT kidding!!) (Karate/yoga class counts as a day)

    Hamstrings: straddle, hands to floor, foot in hand overhead (Kwan spin)

    Quadriceps: front full lunge (hip flexor-knee down), heel to rear end

    Calves: lean-to-wall (bent knee & straight knee)

    Torso: trunk twists, side leans

    Lower back: cat/cow

    Abdominals: bridge/backbend, cobra

    Interval training/Jump drills (anaerobic training) 1x per week

    * (Off-ice jump class counts as 1 day)

    * 1.5 minutes hard, 1 minute rest for 6 cycles, (20 minutes continuous activity to elevate heart rate to 85-95% Max HR). Alternate first and second sets.

    First Set # to do

    Air turns 2 feet to 2 feet .5 revolution 10

    Air turns 2 feet to 2 feet 1 revolution 10

    Click Waltz 5

    Second Set

    1 foot axel takeoff/land on same foot 5 in a row

    Cross foot checkouts 10

    Waltz jumps for height 5

    3. Strengthening - 2x per week

    Description Goal

    Crunches 1 set of 10

    Bicycle Crunches 1 set of 20

    Push Ups (start on toes, go to knees) 1 set of 5

    Walking Lunges 1 set of 20

    Sit Spin Drill 3 each foot

    Camel Drill 3 each foot

    Cobra Lifts 1 set of 10

    Chair Dips 1 set of 10

    Squats 1 set of 10

    4. Balance - every day, work to using balance block (1st flat side down then round side down)

    Spiral from 2 feet: very slowly, lift free leg keeping it straight, as high as you can. Hold in spiral position for 30 seconds.

    Flexibility - Stretching

    Do every day; Work up to holding each stretch 2 minutes per leg, don't bounce. Hold cobra 30 seconds and work up to one minute.

    Hamstrings (foot on table/couch, keep knee straight, bend from waist and don't hunch shoulders. Bring chin to knee)

    Quadriceps (same hand grabs same ankle, keep knee in, pull knee up as your stretch gets easier

    Calves - (hands on wall, push heel into ground with leg straight then bend knee for different stretch)

    Cobra (lie on stomach, put hands on floor under shoulders, push shoulders up to arch back, look back over your head)

    Abdominal Strength - Crunches

    Feet on floor, hands on opposite shoulders, lift shoulders off floor

    Start with 10 and add 2 per day until you get to 40

    Can be done every day, don't increase # done if muscles are sore the next day

    Upper Arm Strength - Push Ups

    Start at 5; Work to 10 or more

    Start on knees; keep hips pushed toward floor/back straight, bend elbows until your chest or stomach hits the floor. It's better to do fewer in correct form than more with less than full elbow bend

    Do every other day

    Lower Back Strength - Cobra Lifts

    Start at 5 and work to 10 or more

    Lie on stomach with hands down to hips or on small of back; use lower back muscles to lift your shoulders off the ground as high as possible; hold for 2 seconds, lower

    Do every other day

    Full Revolution Jump Drill - 20

    Land on both feet until you get the hang of it

    Jump off both feet, spin counterclockwise or clockwise 180 degrees, land on 2 feet, hold for 3 sec

    Pull arms into chest after you are in the air (jump then rotate)

    Concentrate on spring/height of jump, posture, feel the up/down motion

    Do every day


    1.  Stretching - 10 minutes every day (I’m NOT kidding!!) (Karate/yoga class counts as a day)

    A. Hamstrings: reverse hurdler, straddle, hands-to-floor, foot in hand overhead (Kwan spin)

    B. Quadriceps: side lunge, front full lunge (hip flexor-knee down), heel to rear end

    C. Calves: lean-to-wall (bent knee & straight knee)

    D. Torso: trunk twists, side leans

    E. Lower back: cat/cow, roll-ups

    F. Abdominals: bridge/backbend, cobra

    2.  Interval training/Jump drills (anaerobic training) 2x per week (Off-ice jump class counts as 1 day) (20 minutes continuous activity to elevate heart rate to 85-95% Max HR - not able to converse). Alternate first and second sets (6-10 sets total)

    First Set # to do

    air turns: 2 feet to 2 feet, 1.5 revolutions 10

    air turns: 2 feet to 1 foot, 1 rev 10

    click waltz jump 5

    Second Set

    1 foot waltz jump takeoff/land on same foot and repeat 5 in a row

    cross foot checkouts 10

    cross waltz (jump & land with ankles crossed) 5

    waltz jumps for height (focus on getting the knee high) 5

    3.  Strengthening - 3x per week

    Exercise Goal

    crunches 3 sets of 10

    bicycle crunches 3 sets of 20

    push ups (start on knees, go to toes) 3 sets of 20

    walking lunges 3 sets of 20

    sit spin drill 5 each foot

    camel drill 5 each foot

    cobra lifts 3 sets of 10

    chair dips 3 sets of 10

    squats 3 sets of 10

    4.  Balance - every day

         A.  Spiral from 2 feet: very slowly, lift free leg keeping it straight, as high as you can. Hold in spiral position for 60 seconds. Repeat on the other foot. Do 3 times each foot each day.

         B.  Kwan spin: very slowly, grab under heel with same side hand, lift over your head and hold for 60 seconds. Repeat on the other foot. Do 3 times each foot each day.

         C.  Cross foot checkouts: quick checkout to landing position and h
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