
Off duty police and my rights.?

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On the way home from school me and my friend where pushing each other around on the pavement (play fighting) and he accidently stumbled on the road when i pushed him. A car pulled over, and a woman picking up her daughter from school got out and showed me her little badge thing briefly and she said she was a off duty police officer, and she said she had taken my picture on her mobile phone..

But the thing is, does she have the right to take a picture of me? when i am a 13 year old girl, and what right does it give her to use her mobile whilst driving?

I just need some information. thanks




  1. If you are 13 why aren't you asking your parents this question?

  2. Yes she can take a picture of you.  In fact anyone can take a picture of you.   As far as reporting you, I would think she is a low class person to do this if this was an accident.

  3. If you are in public anyone can take your photograph, doesn't matter how old you are.

    Unless there is a law in your state prohibiting the use of a cell phone while driving then it is relevant.

    I doubt anything will come of this incident.

  4. She had taken your picture ... so what ? You should have told her to f**k off. She telling you she had taken your picture sounds like a threat. Inform your school ? How could she know your name and school ?

  5. I know you've gotten the answer as to if she can take your picture, but always make sure anyone, in plain clothing, that shows you a badge and says they are a police officer should have a police identification card. Make sure you ask for and see the card before complying with a request.

  6. As long as you are in public, anyone can take your picture.  Why she would take your picture and identify herself makes sense if she were going to arrest you.  Did she say anything like reporting it to the school or your parents?  That is really weird.  Maybe she was only scarring you.

  7. Yes she has a right to take a picture of you in public, its not an invasion of privacy.. and it would be hard to prove she took the photo while driving esp since she is a police officer.

  8. This is just speculation, but she may have thought there was an actual fight going on.  The photo would have been used as evidence if an arrest had to be made.  Pushing someone into the street can be very dangerous.  She had every right to take your picture.  Everyone always says "Where are the Police when you need them?".  You just found out.

  9. she had every right to take your pic but you can call the dept. she works for and file a complaint for her scaring you.  it probably wont go anywhere but atleast they might ask her about it.

  10. Must have been a volunteer with a badge. And because u where in publc anyone can take your picture.

    She just didnt understand the situation

  11. Nothing will happen. She was trying to scare you and you can't get arrested or cited for "Playing". She has a load of Ego it sounds like. Next time call the police on your cell and when her co-workers show up she'll look real stupid.

  12. Yes.  she can take your picture.

    I have the same rights off duty that I do on duty.

  13. When you are in public, you have no expectation of privacy, therefore ANYBODY can take your pic.

  14. I could walk out my door, stand on the side walk and take a picture of everyone I saw and NOBODY could do anything. Sorry thats the way it is. If you were acting like a little to crazy with your friend and you ended up in the street, and she was a off duty police officer, then YES she is a cop 24 hours a day.

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