
Off on hols to Kenya, does any1 know if its better to take sterling or dollar travellers cheques?

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Off on hols to Kenya, does any1 know if its better to take sterling or dollar travellers cheques?




  1. Take sterling, youll get much better rates on trips etc if you pay with english money i spent a month out there and live it.

  2. We took both luckily.  Wasn't always that easy to change traveller cheques.  Depends on where abouts you're going.  We also took lots of cheap, thin colouring books and pens and pencils for the kids.  Not all children have access to dentists so we were advised not to take sweets and to never give out money.  They loved the books though and take up no room on the bottom of your suitcase.

    P.S.  Wouldn't recommend taking any flash jewellery either, I bought some lovely local wooden beads etc out there.

    P.P.S.  Have a great time!  It was the best holiday I've ever been on and would go back year after year if I could!

  3. take sterling or dollars, NOT travellers cheques.  

    Although you will be able to find some hotels which will change travellers cheques, you might get a worse exchange rate, and hard cash is more readily accepted at Forex bureaus etc.

    I sometimes take a mix of pounds sterling and dollars.  Also, make sure you get high denomination notes, and that the notes are as new as possible, as some places will give a worse exchange rate for low denomination or older notes.

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