
Off the job injury within first 90 days. Doc said can't work for a week. Can I still be fired with doc's note?

by Guest60982  |  earlier

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I want to know if my employer can still fire me in the state of Iowa if I have a doctors release note saying that I can't return to work. I am still within my 90 day probation period. Please let me know. Thanks.




  1. If you are still in your 90 trial period then an employer can fire you for any reason they want to. In fact, they don't have to have a reason, they can jut let you go without any reason at all. Not fair by no mean but that's the way it is. I would hope that they would have enough empathy they would understand that you didn't expect this to happen and you sure didn't want to miss work. I would just talk to my  boss face to face about the situation and see where you stand. Be sincere and explain how you wish it had not happened but it did and you can't change that it did. Also tell them you will be back as soon as you can be released from the doctor. Also, if your injury allows, ask your boss if there is any job you could do sitting down or any job that needs to be done that your injury may allow you to do. If possible with the injury, attempt to do some type of work that your injury may allow you to do that i not normally part of your job requirement. Who knows, they may even let you answer the phone, file some papers, input some thing in a computer etc. It all depends on your injury but at least show them you are willing to try anything to help until you are fully recovered. That is the pits that this has happened during your 90 day trial period, or that it even happened at all. Good Luck.

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