
Offensive Fumble Return TD

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I'm setting up a Fantasy Football league for some friends of mine. One of the scoring options is Offensive Fumble Return TD. Does this mean the offense punts the ball, the defense drops it, and the offense runs it in? Or is it something else? Thanks!




  1. It could mean that the player was on the offensive side of the ball, picked up a teammate's fumble(or his own fumble) and ran it into the end zone.

    I'm not sure if the punt situation would qualify, but it may.

    I hope I helped.

  2. It is when an offensive player picks up his own team's fumble and takes it to the house.  That fumble scenario would also work - it's for any offensive player (who you would be playing) who runs one into the end zone.  It's kind of a silly category - I really doubt it would amount to more than a couple scores in a year - good luck!

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