
Offensive commercial on Yahoo Radio?

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There is this annoying and offensive commercial I am forced to listen to several times a day on Yahoo Radio about a guy who says if he had run his wife credit report before they got married, he wouldn't have married her....who can I complain to about this?

It's in poor taste, rude, and trust me...if the commercial were reversed, and it was a woman complaining about a dead beat man, there would be an uproar.




  1. I'm on the fence about this one.  Clint spoke his mind and that's OK.  My ex almost falls into the category of the commercial.  In my Opinion, Y! is desperate for cash and will host all but the most offensive commercials.  Don't you think Y! reviews the commercials before they put them on their sites?  You can complain but I think it will get you nowhere.  Have a good one.

  2. call yahoo

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