
Offensive lineman help?

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In my High school we have these hitting drills where you have to duck down and move to the designated assignment and block the charging linebacker

I am having problem holding my ground against the really hard hitters on my team, i am a freshman offensive line 5'7 with 190 pounds

but the linebackers im against are probably at most only 170

I am feeling ashamed that i almost get knocked out every time im against a hard hitter

i shoot my hands out to stop them but they always somehow just ram their entire body into my head and shock my body so that i just get blown back like a *****

any techniques or exercises i can do?

every time i get cracked i feel like i'm going to throw up




  1. I like your competitiveness - which means you want to win this confrontation.

    You're losing because you're allowing the LBs to neutralize your strength (compact, low, heavier center of gravity) and allowing them to use their strengths (speed/impact/momentum).  If they're knocking you back and putting you on the ground, then you're standing too erect, too vertical.

    You have to stay low, and blow them up with your forearms in their ribs (don't "catch" them with your hands) and then your shoulders a split second later. The forearms slow them down, and your shoulders at their belt height will stop them.  When you hit them, then slide back a half step, recoil, and hit them again.  Blowing somebody up when they've got the momentum is all about leg drive and explosive contact with their core.  In pass blocking, you need to pop hard, release, recoil, then pop hard again.  This keeps you in control.  If you stay "tied up" it gives them too many options to get around you easily.


    In a run block drill like this, you have to as the others have said is deliver the blow, your "blocking" the linebacker, not "stopping" him there is a difference.

    Being short is a great thing as an offensive lineman you have a huge leverage advantage, use it to your advantage!

    -Head Up first off if you can't see them you can't block them, second if your heads down not only will you get hit and knocked down you can cause SERIOUS injury to yourself and possibly death (read the sticker on your helmet)

    -Block with your shoulder. You say your sticking your hands out to block them, that is also a reason your getting knocked down. With your two arms extended no matter how strong or muscular they are a linebackers body weight will win, you need to bring your forearm in front of you and HIT with your shoulder, you will lay a l**k and get block 1000 times more effectively. (Also with your hands out on a run play you are just asking for a holding call)

    So keep your head up and hit with your shoulder. Remember your BLOCKING the guy not trying to STOP him, you want to hit and keep moving your legs and get him out of the play. Do that in your drill and show the LB's whats up ;)


    watch the blocking video.  It's all free.

  4. Alright, first off, it sounds like you're taking a lot of shots to the head, which is making you dizzy and nauseous, you should probably stop doing that.

    After that its not a question of size, but speed. In this regard, you can't absorb the hit, but you have to deliver it. Putting your hands out isn't really going to be enough to catch them, cause it sounds like they are coming hard.

    From what I'm getting from this, it sounds like you're stopping in the hole, and just trying to catch them. Run through them, and deliver the blow.

    Also, low = awesome. Offensive line is all about leverage. (Trust me, I played guard at 5'9".) If you want to beat them, you have to go lower than they do.

    Also, is this a pass blocking drill or a run blocking drill?


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