
Offering a baby sitting service. what are the rules and requirements for the babysitter please?

by Guest32398  |  earlier

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the babysitter is a responsible adult woman. not me, but a friend. in uk




  1. uhmm

    legal somthing...

  2. my answer is;

    To be Honorable and Respectful to those for whom they work. Treat the home of their employer better then their own. Provide the Loving Best care possible for the children.

    And fulfill the local/state/province/Country requirements to be a caregiver too children and or disabled adults.

    That is what I expect.

    hope my answer helps.

  3. Are you certified? I would ask parents to provide medical check up because so many people are getting accused of child abuse. You should make a signed contract for fees and find out what each parent requires from you.  I would find out about allergies and potty training.  Good luck there is really not enough money a person can pay for your services but you have to be fair - and watchin someone else's kids is a serious matter -- I SALUTE YOU

  4. depending on where you live, you might have to be registered with your state

  5. I know in the UK that you have to be over 14 years old

    but have a look at this website it has lots of information about the guidelines and you can advertise on the website.

  6. You should always get the information of the parents whose kids you are babysitting, like their cell numbers, etc.  Also, ALWAYS keep an eye on the kids.  Make sure you listen to what the parents tell you, and be sure to ask about allergies they might have to food.  

  7. Have them take CPR classes/first aid for smaller children. Or if it's a professional service you can have them licensed before hand. Have them take a baby-sitter's course with the local 4-H, Red Cross or YMCA.

  8. Go to your local community center or college and even the library and you need to find the class that certifies you as a competent babysitter, i forget what its called.  They will teach all you need to know and go get C.P.R. certified as well.

  9. First of all, you should take the Red Cross babysitting course.  Check with your local YMCA for information.  Second, you should check with a lawyer to determine what you need to do in order to start a small business.

  10. I am pretty sure that in every single state, you need to have a current CPR (adult and INFANT) certification. Also, you may need to have extra homeowners insurance if you are providing these services inside your home.  

  11. Have character references.

    Agree on pay by hour,

    and more if they gone extra long.

    Be 13 years old.

    Know phone number to call.

    No friends over.

    No out of area phone calls.

    Do not eat the leftovers in the fridge.

    Clean up any messes made.

    It's not only what you do, but what you don't do,

    if you expect to be called back. <}:-})

  12. check online for what ever you state is and then child care requirements. There are a lot of laws. I hope you know what you are getting into before you start.  

  13. Check their passport to make sure they've never been to Thailand, and make sure they dont have any Michael Jackson Records.

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