
Office manger in hospital?

by  |  earlier

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what does this job invovle? any tips for my interview?




  1. A manger is a type of bed and so there would be some in hospitals...

  2. I'm sorry - when I saw your question to begin with I mistook it to mean that your office manager was in hospital.  I clicked on it out of curiosity, thinking you needed advice on what gift you should take with you when you visited.

    I know, I know, I'm a bloody time waster. . .

  3. I hope the word manger was just a typing error and not a spelling error on your part. If you cannot spell correctly you might find it difficult being an office manager (with a second 'a').  If you have not already worked as a junior in an office please don't apply for the job. You need to work your way up to being a manager of anything. It is only when you have started at the bottom of the ladder - in any job - that you can manage those below you. The reason is because you have been there so you know what you are talking about. If you have been there as a junior then you probably had a manager so you should have an inkling of what the job entails anyway.

  4. Depends on what office??

    It could be the office where they store the patients medical records or an office where the secretaries work.

    Why don't you look at the job details more closely, that'll tell you what it would entail.

    You really need to do some research before your interview.

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