
Office relationships?

by  |  earlier

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I think office relationships are too bad. When things go wrong, they get extremely annoying because you have to work with other partner even if you have personal issues together.

So, anyways, it happened that this guys at my office likes me and wants to have a relationship..but I'm not attracted to him and even if I were attracted, I would try to stop it, coz we'll have issues...I like someone else actually but I don't know if he likes me back but he's really interesting and I actually work with him too. It's kinda complicated but I feel that both cases won't work if I have to be around them all day...who agrees with me?




  1. I do.  Relationships with co-workers is pretty tricky.  If I were you, I would keep my relationship with the man you are not even attracted to "at arms length."  Deal with him in a business-like manner.  As for the other co-worker whom you do like, test the situation slowly.  Start by being pleasant, then friendly ... if he responds in-kind and you like this, continue on slowly.  I think if you do it this way, you won't have to back track or be uncomfortable if things go wrong, and if things keep getting better you have built a wonderful relationship on solid ground with solid bricks, so to speak.


  2. "Never dip your pen in the company inkwell".

  3. Office relationships are the worst thing to have because like you said, if something goes wrong, you still have to work with that person, and deal with them everyday. Usually it all ends up someone quits there job, because they can't handle the stress of working with that person. I think you should just find someone out of your work area to date, so its not a big factor if it don't work out!
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