
Officer-> enlisted in another branch?

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Is it possible to enlist in, say the Navy SEALS after being a Marine Officer?




  1. It is very unlikely that they would let a former officer turn around and enlist.  Part of that goes to the fact that the person would be "over qualified" as an enlisted person,  part is because once being an officer and in command the person might find it hard to take the orders of an officer who has less experience than he.  

    If I were sitting on the selection board I would never allow it to happen.  

  2. NO...... but you can still be a Navy Seal as an officer... Just go talk to a Navy Recruiter, We'll point you in the right direction.

  3. You can do as you please once your done with your committment as a Marine..

  4. Look, focus on the 50 meter target. Join. Get selected to try out for BUD/S. You've got a long way to go.

    But yes it is possible. There was a former Navy SEAL in my Army Flight School class.

  5. Yes, you can "enlist" in the Navy and then apply to attend B.U.D.S..  I'm not sure why you would want to give up a commission for this, especially when you can be an officer and still be a S.E.A.L. team member...

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