
Officers, do you ever search a woman's bra?

by Guest31948  |  earlier

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If I were to hide crack in my bras, what are the odds of the officer finding it? Do you ever search where the padding is (where you can pull the padding out)?




  1. An officer would only do so if he felt that you were hiding something. I must warn you however, that cops are put through rigorous training, and can detect lies fairly easily. If they suspect you of anything, they can get a warrant to do just about anything.

  2. this is a silly quesiton, because you shall never consume crack!!!

  3. Hypothetical questions about crack fiending are the main reason I come to YahooAnswers... actually, no, they aren't.

    But in the interest of academic discussion -

    Most police searches/pat downs are done as part of a Terry Stop, where the officer has reasonable suspicion but not probable cause for the stop.  Under those circumstances, if the officer has reason to believe the crack fiend might be armed or dangerous, they can pat the crack fiend down to protect themselves in case it turns out crack fiend is hiding a weapon.  This is reasonable since it reduces the likelihood of the officer getting injured or killed.

    That being said, in a Terry Stop situation, the officers would have a hard time explaining why they thought they were going to find a weapon in a woman's bra... because in most cases, there isn't going to be enough room there to actually hide a weapon.  Unless the person is wearing loose clothing or something it is pretty obvious that the officer(s) weren't really worried about finding a weapon in there, but were rather doing an (impermissible/illegal) search for drugs.  Plus, in the civilized parts of the country, judges are going to be skeptical about cops going around feeling women's b*****s as part of routine Terry Stops - it's just going a little bit too far considering there is minimal evidence of any crime being committed in a Terry Stop situation.  Best case, the officer may be able to get away with loosely brushing the back of their hand over the area, which is sufficient to turn up any weapons, but unlikely to turn up your average crack stash [depending on the size of the stash].

    On the other hand, if the police have probable cause, or some specific reason to believe you are hiding drugs in the bra or on your person somewhere, all bets are off.  They can do a full search incident to arrest, including a strip search at the station if the crime is a felony, or involves drugs or weapons.  They would find a crack fiend's drug stash at that point.

    Likewise, if this is a search under special circumstances, like at the border, getting on a plane, at a secure event site, entering a prison, then they can do a much more extensive search.  

    Regardless of the legal considerations, common sense dictates that they will be less likely to feel around a woman's breast area [at a minimum they will be less thorough], particularly if the officer is male.  However, crack fiends will be crack fiends, and most will eventually do something stupid and get caught, regardless of what crack-storing precautions they take.

    Edit:  Copgirl, I don't blame you for wanting to make sure you don't get stabbed or shot.  That being said, I'm sure you will admit that under most circumstances, it is not reasonable to grab and palpate woman's b*****s during a Terry Stop.  Brushing over them is probably okay, depending on the exact details, but you aren't going to get away with lifting bra straps, feeling around in the padding, etc (unless you felt something on the initial brush).  A legal search is not going to turn up a couple rocks of well-hidden crack in some padding (maybe a vial or something would protrude, but just the little baggies that most drug addicts use wouldn't even be noticeable if you did a legal search).  Courts have generally been reluctant to even let officers palpate pockets, unless they initially brush against something that might be a weapon.

  4. ... wtf... this is just asking officers to track the IP address

  5. I always wanted to.

  6. Yes, bras get searched.  There are multiple ways to search a woman's bra without doing anything improper.  Here's a few...

    1)Ask the woman to grab the underwire and shake it out (yes, it does work)

    2)There is a technique using the back of the hand going around the chest.

    3) Call for a female officer

    4) Wait until you get to the jail and have them do a strip search (you need PC for this one)

  7. if they do then they are PERVS!

  8. As a female officer, the answer is yes. I'm not going to get shot and killed because some crackhead thought she was slick stashing her gun in her bra.  Sorry, its a part of my job to search THOROUGHLY.

    And YES, I have found guns hidden in bras before, among other things.

  9. We always got a female police Officer to do the search, also, when transporting a female lock up, you have to report the mileage on the vehicle from the beginning to the final destination mileage.

  10. well if i had a dog sniffing out the stuff, and he was pointing towards your bra, I'd probably call over for a female officer to search you. No lawsuits, and gets the job done. Professional and effective.

  11. omg I hope not

  12. Officers are only allowed to check your body for weapons without your consent. If they have reason to believe, PC, that you have items of contraband, they either need verbal consent to search or a search warrant. If you are arrested, a search incident to arrest may be conducted. They do have the right at that time to search you, anywhere. Now a proffessional officer will not violate you and uses the back of his hands while searching. Depending on availability a female officer is usually requested to do these. If you feel that the officers touch was inappropriate, contact the department and report this. Don't do this because the officer pissed you off and you want to get even. Internal Affairs is in place to protect you, not get even. Hope this helps.

  13. Yes I do.

    Very thoroughly!

  14. My wife (she's a cop too) does when she does her pat down the bra is a very good place to hide things and is check very carefully.

    Best advise stop selling crack.

  15. Yes we search bras why wouldn't we be able. I've seen women hide guns and knives in there. Female officers are preferred for searching but they are not always available sometimes they are already tied up with something else. You can have the person pull their bra forward and shake it to make anything that would be in it fall out to the ground. But even if you did manage to hide it where the pads are they are just going to search you when you get booked at the jail and if you try to ditch it in the car if the officer isn't lazy and checks it after every prisoner it will just be tied back to you and filed as evidence. So its a lose lose situation.

  16. They would have a female office pat you down, and yes they can check it all out.  They can even do an internal under the right circumstances, so don't take the risk.

    Sounds like you are trying to take illegal drugs into a controlled area.

    It's not worth the risk.  You can receive a felony charge for that.

  17. Yes, if an officer has probable cause to search, a female officer can be called to a scene to search inside a females bra.

  18. If necessary, yes.

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