
Officers, why would a cop say this and do you agree?

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I got pulled over last year while on probation. I was on probation for prescription fraud. I got addicted to my own medication, but i have never done any other hard drugs. I just had an addiction to my medication and got caught forging a prescription. Anyways, the cop asked what I was on probation for, and I told him. Then he asked me if I had any herion on me. I said No, I have never done heroin. he said 'Yea, right, you did pills but never heroin??" Do all cops think that just because I had a pill addiction that I automatically MUST have done heroin?? Do you agree with what he said to me? Why or why not?




  1. One thing that officers go through is a jaded view of the public. Call it "Cops-N-Perps". Is a sad attitude that "if you're not a cop, you're a perp. If  there's no record on you, it just means you've not been caught yet"

       Sucks, but it sounds like this guy was BIG into that view. Having a record just reinforced it for him. Try not to let it bother you too much. It's THIS guy's problem, not yours. You'll have to endure some closer scrutiny than others without the background but over time, and when you've made peace with the past... It'll fade.

       I've got my own demons similar to yours. With me it was painkillers. Got hooked on them after a parachuting accident in the Army.  Even 11years later it's one of the first things that comes up when I get pulled over. 11 years is a long time for the ugly period in my life to fade.

         What I do: When the question comes up I'm upfront and matter of fact. Then the next thing out of my mouth is an invitation to search my person and vehicle.--  With this approach, I've never had a problem. I don't KNOW, but I suspect that removing the legal restraints keeping them from looking says as much as my no "excuses, but embarassed" attitude about my own past.  

  2. You decide;  You meet 1,000 people who love coffee, they have to have their morning Joe.  You find out also that every one of them except one also has a dough-nut with their coffee....  wouldn't YOU assume they ALL like dough-nuts....  you assmued with ALL of them, but the ONE person that didn't like dough-nuts gets all whiny and says "You're assuming I like dough-nuts"  That's what it's like to be a cop - EVERY one that has a pill addiction (except maybe that one lonley weirdo) will take almost anything when they can't get their drug of choice so most cops will assume you do too.

  3. Although the question may seem odd the statistics show that individuals who have a drug additction specifically to a drug also have addictions elsewhere.  Sounds like the officer may have been fishing for additional information.  Unless there was something he noticed, like track marks or something on your body, or perhaps something he found on you or in your car.

  4. If everything is exactly how you described, I don't necessarily agree.  However, I wasn't there & don't know the situation or what might have made him feel the need to bring up heroin.

  5. I don't agree with what the cop said but what he said was typical.

  6. Heroin is an opiate, perhaps the pill you were abusing was an opiate, so that might make it a legitimate question.  I think it's out of line, and regardless, I don't think you'd be stupid enough to tell him yes even if you were using heroin.

    Also, statistically, prescription drug abusers do tend to have addictions to other hard drugs.  For example, aderall usage tends to be linked to coccaine.

  7. They are trained to do that. Sometimes they get someone who confesses, then they can make their quotas.

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