
Oftentimes it is contemplated by Americans how men

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pay more for car insurance. Do men pay more by default in America, or is it just a statistic number factoring in all the benefits for incident free driving and penalties for causing your insurance to step in, showing that men pay more ? And not to mention that he oftentimes pays the insurance of wifey and the lil ones.

So in America men paying more than women in insurance, is it due to a standard contract insurances offer to men, classifying all men as a higher risk group and therefore discriminating, or is it a statistical number where various factor lead to men paying more ?




  1. "So in America men paying more than women in insurance, is it due to a standard contract insurances offer to men, classifying all men as a higher risk group and therefore discriminating..."

    Yes. Each individual driver's risk is calculated separately, and men are statistically much more likely to crash cars and injure themselves and others.

  2. Sorry about that; just shows the world how far behind Americans truly are. You might have a larger area to control, but Americans are very behind when it comes to equality. I'd say for a western civilisation, you guys have a lot more growing up to do.  

  3. I'm not an expert on this, but I would suggest you take a tour here,there are expert's tips over there.

  4. Its a statistical model used by Insurance companies. Men tend to drive more and are more aggressive drivers so they tend to have more accidents and thats is what determines the insurance rates. Young males 16 to 25 have the highest accident rate so they are the highest rate on insurance policies.  

  5. 'Factors That Affect Your Car Insurance Rates'

    "The number crunching nerds who got made fun of for wearing pocket protectors, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and obsessing over their rotisserie baseball teams have found a way to get revenge on the world - they now work as car insurance actuaries!

    Actuaries are high-powered math geeks who develop formulas that estimate the probability of insurance loss. These formulas are then used to determine car insurance rates. So the next time you think about stuffing a dweeb inside a locker, think twice - he might be setting your car insurance rates some day!

    Major Factors That Actuaries Take Into Account

    First and foremost is your driving record. Actuaries believe that someone who has been in a lot of accidents, gotten a lot of tickets, or filed previous claims is likely to file claims in the future. Therefore, these people pose a greater risk to the insurance company, and whenever you pose greater risk, you pay for it.

    Second are demographic factors. Your age, for example, is very important. People under 25 present much more risk to insurance companies (with people 16-18 paying the most, and people 22-25 paying the least among them), and thus pay higher car insurance rates. But older is not always better - people over 65 are also thought of as "risky," and therefore, they often pay rates comparable to their grandkids.

    The other major demographic factors are gender, marital status, and geography. Married women pose the least risk to insurers, and unmarried men present the most. The gender bias in favor of women is strongest among young people, with teenage boys paying much higher car insurance rates than their female counterparts. As for geography, if you live in an area in which more claims are filed, your rates will be higher.

    The final major factor affecting your car insurance rates is your car itself. Is the car safe? How many claims have been made by people with the same or similar cars? What is the value of the car? How much damage does it cause to other cars (or other people) in the case of an accident? All of these issues are computed by the actuaries and their formulas."

    Data has been collected for at least forty years by the car insurance industry worldwide and it shows a pattern whereby young men cause the most, and the deadliest, car crashes.  There is no disputing it: the statistical data is all there for anyone who questions it.  You may read through it at your leisure.  Young men are at an especially high risk(statistically speaking)  of engaging in these behaviors and as a result they pay more for insurance.   They make high risk customers.  The author of the article JUST EXPLAINED ALL THIS.  

    *Can't you understand English?

    "People under 25 present much more risk to insurance companies (with people 16-18 paying the most, and people 22-25 paying the least among them), and thus pay higher car insurance rates." Get it???  And of young people, young men (especially teenagers) have the worst track record and therefore pose the largest risk factor in the estimation of the insurance company.  Teenage boys have a high risk of doing all kinds of stupid things, like alighting their public hair on fire hoping to put the footage on youtube, and all means of really crazy, stupid, dangerous, careless S***e.  They have a high death rate attributable to accidents - of all kinds and often win Darwin Awards posthumously.  Poor souls.

    Gender is taken into account (women are less dangerous drivers).

    Age is taken into account

    Driving record is taken into account

    Marital Status is taken account

    The area in which a person lives is taken into account

    The make and model of the car is taken into account...

    Did I miss anything?

    Bottom line:

    "Married women pose the LEAST RISK to insurers, and unmarried men present THE MOST [RISK TO INSURERS]"

  6. It's how insurance works, regardless of gender your age also comes in to account.  

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