A few months back i told him he needed to work on his hygiene b/c he wasn't shaving, brushing his teeth or showering regularly. Well things have been better lately except when he sleeps over he doesn't shower or brush his teeth, even if he stays around the whole day (he has clothes and a toothbrush here). Well he just left this morning and when he got home he called to tell me that my hygiene has been slipping lately. He said i never stink but i don't comb my hair as much as i used to. I cook all his meals for the week on Sunday and i do my hair in the morning to go grocery shopping but i pull it back when i cook so i don't get hair in his food. And on fridays i clean houses so i pull it back so it doesn't fall in toilets etc. and he gets to my house earlier than he used to so its not done when he gets here (its always done before i go out). Tuesday is the only other day i see him and i usually have it done except this week i was at cedar point so i pulled it back so it wouldn't be in my face all day on the roller coasters. I am so angry right now! Next time he tries to kiss me i want to tell him "back off, you wouldn't want to ruin my perfect hair and make up". WTF is his problem?