
Oh, dear. Freckles!?

by Guest57313  |  earlier

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I'm very veeery pale. When i go out into the sun, i cake on the sunscreen, and i don't burn--- but i freckle like crazy on my cheekbones. Should i just embrace them or should i try to fade them? I think they're kind of cute, but i miss my even skin tone.




  1. Embrace them! Not everyone has freckles.

  2. Embrace them. Fair complexion, and freckles. VERY attractive!

  3. embarce

    work them freckles

    own that skin tone haha mad tv :D

    i wish i had freckles "/

    and im pretty sure lots of other poeple do 2

    your lucky

  4. I have freckles. Embrace them... learn to love them, they're different :]

  5. i get freckles when i go in the sun but mine fade away in the winter so yours might fade away too

  6. Girls with freckles are HOT! The more freckles a girl has the HOTTER she looks! Freckles are the first asset I look for on a girl before asking her out on a date. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars. Freckles are so HOT that there are even web sites dedicated to women covered in freckles and the guys who love them. Freckles ROCK!

  7. Lol, that's the same with me- cake on the sunscreen. I have them across my nose n they annoy me sooo much sometimes!!But i think wearing make-up is good to get them to slowly disappear cause your skin won't see the sun as much. Those people who say to embrace them r nice, but some of those people dont have them so they don't know what it's like. If you dont have that many i wouldnt worry too much, just put on sunscreen as usual n hav fun :) Oh n btw they'll probably fade a bit in winter n cold days anyways!! :) Plus they look cute in tha summer! :)


  8. Embrace them, i have a face full of freckles.hahahaa

  9. I used to try to fade my freckles with skin lightening cream. lol

    I don't mind them now..

    I have a few on my face, and tons all over my arms, shoulders, chest.

    Red head curse. lol

    Nah, freckles aren't all that bad. Unique is good. =)
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