
Oh but theres more....

by  |  earlier

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when my bf was signing me into his custody, one of the cops said something along the lines of "well you can take the nite off from her and leave her with us"

i didn't find their sarcasm one bit amusing. I found it sexist and harassing.

should I sue? do i have grounds for it?

they also made a comment like "watch out for that girl, she looks pretty dangerous" and then they laughed. also not funny.

and i still dont see why i needed handcuffs if i was not a threat??




  1. You have no case to sue for.

  2. If you were arrested you have to get handcuffed.  That is standard procedure.They were making fun of you, leaving you with would have been with the woman and a matron.  What ever you did, it must have been something really funny.  Can you sue?  You can sue anyone.  Try and sue for a million dollars, you'll get a lot of jokes from that!

    You won't get anywhere with the jokes they made.  They actually seemed funny and may have been an ice breaker for a tense situation.

  3. Everyone I arrest gets handcuffed, period.  Just because I may win if we fight doesn't mean that handcuffs are unnecessary.

    If you feel you were mistreated, file a complaint.

  4. The cops were just joking around, and you have no cause to sue just because you didn't like their tone or humour.

    You were put in handcuffs because the police didn't want you to freak out and start damaging things or people. That's standard procedure when dealing with an unknown factor such as the girlfriend of a person they've just arrested. Better to be safe than sorry, you know.

    You're not the first person to be put in handcuffs without being charged with a crime, nor are you the first person to be on the receiving end of a cop's questionable humour. You may have been insulted, but you weren't hurt. Build a bridge and get over it.
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