
Oh god, Do I have to suffer more?? Maybe theres no help for me??

by  |  earlier

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Iam a 17 year old boy from Peru. My country these days is loosing values and is forgetting the importance of intellect, young people is becoming more and more disinterested of our country and their future.

My greatest dream is to be professional, I plan to create an organisation after graduating, to help people with low incomes, to find education, my country really needs people who can make the change.

I hope one day my dream becomes true, I have to start right now, but lamentably I do not have the resurses, I have been working to study here but I just can survive with the money I recieve.

My parents cant help me because my mother is too sick , shes got cancer and need money to be treated, my father only helps her and my sister who traveled .

That means theres no money to help me, I had to travel to the capital to work and study but as I said is impossible,a young boy like me cant get enought money, I just can pay my room and food. how sad.

I know I was born to make the differenc




  1. God bless you. De verdad, que Dios te bendiga y te llene de exito, sabiduria y amor. Tambien deseo que te llene a ti y a tu familia de mucha paz espiritual y de mucho gozo. Te deseo lo mejor de la vida y que verdaderamente puedas hacer tu sueño realidad. Creeme, yo tambien quisiera hacer la diferencia y ojala que hayan muchos otros jovenes por ahi que piensen de igual manera porque dentro de unos años el mundo quedara en nuestras manos, nosotros seremos los responsables de todos y como vamos a lograr algo bueno si no estamos educados de una manera adecuada?

  2. I want to give you all the  money I have. But the same exact thing is happening in my country! What do you suppose the odds of that are?

  3. Why is this in Anthropology & not R&S?

    As genuine as this cry for help may be, unfortunately there's enough selfish fraudsters out there who spoil it for everyone else.

    Having said that - all I can suggest (from a Australian Pension) is to approach your church to see if there's a Scholarship that might help.


  4. Hi,I emailed you well, I tried both of the ones you gave me and neither seemed to work. check your mail and see if it is there.


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