
Oh golly, I just arrived home and there is this naked man pounding on my door?

by  |  earlier

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It's late at night, and, well, yes, I left him tied up on the hood of my car when I left Jack c**p's earlier. What does he want with me? I could throw my wife out the side window, perhaps that'll keep him busy until I get some help. What do you think?




  1. Interesting is what you do...........throw your wife out the window and while the assailant is beating her to and save can always get another wife right?????

    ohhh and quit tying up naked are going to keep on until nobody will play with you anymore ! Is this what you want????

  2. Wake up.  You're having a dream.  Let me interpret it for you:

    Your home is your life.  The naked man symbolizes your brain.  Your wife symbolizes common sense.  Although intelligence pursues you, your lack of desire to let him in shows that you're dumb.  You so hate having brains so much that you're willing to throw your common sense out the window, hoping that might pacify that which you fear.  So you live in your empty life, without your brain and common sense, writing stupid questions like these.

    Hope that helps.  :-)

  3. (ok(

  4. your PhD stands for "Piled High and Deep "

  5. It doesn't matter which of those choices is right.  It matters how well it works for you.

  6. I think you are insane.

  7. ok

  8. lay off the pipe buddy.

  9. Dr. Phil is a know-nothing loser.  Your PhD is probably not even real. go to h**l, stupid b*****d!!  and Im not a fan of Oprah either, you guys can rot in h**l for making peoples lives miserable and poor!

  10. try throwing urself outside..

  11. Throwing the wife out the window won't help, sure he's tied up.... unless she is a crack negotiator / torturer? In which case she'll be using her skills on you, regarding why this man is following you. Hate dat, catch 22.

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