
Oh gosh, a big problem with moving and school! Advice is really needed!!

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My boyfriend of two years, whom my parents hate, is moving 50 miles away.

I want to move with him when my fall semester of college is up, then transfer to a school

in the city we will be living in.

Right now my father and i are splitting tuition down the middle, and my tuition is roughly

$2800 a semester. The school i am wanting to go to, and the cheapest university in the city

is about $4000 a semester. I have wanted to go to this school, and move to this city since

ive been out of highschool, and this is a good opportunity to do so, but my father wont pay

the extra money to go to a better university than i am going to now, and im not going to be

able to afford school if he doesnt help me pay for it. I know the reasoning will be because

my parents are sure im wasting time with the guy i am in love with, and they are sticklers

when it comes to money. Neither one of my parents went to college, but make enough

money to be QUITE comfortable in life. My GPA is 2.9 and I'm thinking it will be

rough to get a scholarship.

I mean, I am responsible, i have a car payment im making, i pay for my own insurance, and

cell phone bill, and when i move (if i get to) i will be paying for 1/2 rent, utilities and groceries...

basically everything on my own except for college.

HELP ME PLEASE!!! I really need some advice!




  1. You have a tough decision to make.  You can move to be with your boyfriend and not afford to continue school.  Or you can stay where you are and finish up.  It sucks to have to make adult decisions like this but that's what growing up is all about.

  2. Stay put.....get yourself together and put all your situations in Gods hand.....I'll pray for you to make the right decision.....

  3. Stay put and work on pulling up your GPA. Your boyfriend has obviously been a distraction and you need to focus more on your education.

  4. It doesn't hurt to apply for scholarships.. you can try to get a loan I'm in the same yet diff situation and I'm getting a loan.. you could also see about maybe a promisary note.. and explain to your parents that you would be going to a better university and that your boyfriend is not the only reason you want to go to another school.. work hard this semester to get your GPA up and maybe that would help with scholarships.. and if all else fails talk to your dad about paying your part and ask him to set up payment plans with him after you finish.. college is rough and its not easy surviving.. your parents should really try to help you out more.. while your trying to get through college.. one way or another either with living expenses or fully help with college.. esp if they have the money to do so! thats just my opinion and thats how I will be with my kids good luck sweet pea!

  5. Sweetheart, I'm going to be as short and sweet to the point as possible without sounding condescending.  First, 50 miles is not far (My Bf of 3 years lives 200 miles away from me and my roomie's husband lives on the other side of the USA), so 50 miles is not far.  If you both are willing to make it work, it will work at 50, 150, or 1,500 miles apart.  Second, moving just to be up under your bf of two years when your parents are trying to help you is a rash move.  You need to place your priorities in order.  Is it more important to finish school with no debt or move with the bf (the person who is not your husband or has not set in stone that you will be with forever) and possible incur debt because you will have to take out loans.  If you really want to attend a better university, maybe you should concentrate on raising your GPA so you can get, not only help from your parents, but maybe help from the "highly sought" after school that you want to attend.  As it looks it doesn't seem like being up under your bf will help accomplish either one of those goals.  While you may be responsible, if you seriously re-evaluate the amount of time that you place into your relationship, you might notice that this could have been time placed into other efforts (such as school and your studies).  I've learned in life, that if a relationship is meant to be, it will be there regardless.  And if it does not work out, something better is right down the road.  I understand love, I've been there, but at some point logic comes into play and unless you are married and are toting around three of his babies, I can't see any reason for you to move with him.  Make sure that you and him continue robust daily convo and you arrange to see him maybe 2x or more a month and let that be it.  And if you are ******* -yeah that makes it harder, but trust me the time that you don't see him makes the ******* even better for when you do see him.  I hope that you understand my take on this and I hope you make a well-thought out decision based on my response and others.

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