
Oh hot days what is the recommended setting for ac so it does not kill you on your electric bill?

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summer is here and I just moved to TX from a north state where is usually cold lucky the house I moved in has AC but I want to know the recommended setting so it will not hurt my wallet on the electric bill.





  1. energy saver setting on ur ac. if u have it

  2. 78 U dont need it ice cold

  3. Any setting will pinch your wallet, but jacking it up and down will hurt worse. Start around 76 degrees.

  4. It  hurts monitarily if you use the ac at all but you have to to beat the humidity. I like 76 and my husband likes 78 so we do 77. The bill isn't horrible.

  5. if it rains and i am hot i run the ac,if it's dark outside and i am hot i run the ac,if it's not excessively hot out i run the ac,any other time i turn it off and sweat if necessary.if you have a small living area you might close it off and just cool it,run lots of fans an insulate,keep windows/doors closed.......tom

  6. Air conditioning is a lifesaver when the humidity and the temperature climb. But running an AC unit consumes considerable energy.

    Once the Air conditioner has done its job and a room’s air environment is at a humane level, 72 to 78 degrees f and 35 to 60 percent humidity, consider switching off the AC and turning on a fan.

  7. Is your nights cool like here in LA? If so during the night ventilate by opening your windows and patio door to cool it at night. Another thing is to install an attic fan to exhaust hot air out of the attic. When the day breaks and gets warmer, close all your windows and doors. Starting out in the morning with a cool house will delay the AC from turning on, thus saving energy.

  8. Just enough to knock down the heat to where you can stand it, it is hot and you don't have to live in a fridge although it does feel good, If you can handle 85, then try it or go lower 5' at a time until you get what you like, use a new digital thermostat, they are easy to use now day and you can set it to come on around 4pm at 1 temp say 78' so by time 6pm rolls around you don't have to work it so hard to cool the place down. some have 4 cycles a day to play with, by keep in mind the more you can bare the more money you save.

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