
Oh how is this in the least bit fair??

by  |  earlier

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Its my brothers birthday today.

But, he celebrated it yesterday when all his friends could go to a party.

So, my mom says today is all about him too. A second day all about him.

I am suppose to go to a concert tonight, one of the boys in the band and I are, idk what we are right now lol but I haven't seen him since may :( and I want to see him so bad.

I only bought myself a ticket. I am totally fine with going by myself BUT my mom isn't.

She doesn't want to have to drive me either.

The way I look at it im losing more by her driving me, my self esteem, time with the boy and time away from my house in general.

My mom won two tickets to this concert, but my brother doesn't want to go. He doesn't like the music.

Today isn't going so well, his big gift isn't working so he has nothing to do and she says because of me tonight is going to be ruined too.

Apparantly, its my fault he doesn't want to go and everything is my fault because I want to go to the concert.





  1. I think you have a right to feel frustrated. It's not fair you have to spend time idolizing your brother because it's his birthday. I'm sorry you're missing your concert.

  2. You really don't sound like your 18. You sound like a spoiled little girl.

  3. Grow up, you sound like the biggest brat ever.  The actual day of your birthday of course is going to be YOUR day whether you had your party on another day or not.  Take the freaking bus to the concert if you need to go so bad, or call a cab.  But in my honest opinion you are being selfish and need to grow up.

  4. thats exactly right sammy her brothers  birthday IS only once a year, and he celebrated it the day before,therefore its OVER. unless youre grounded or something you should be allowed to go, besides you are 18 years old, you can rightfully get out on your own, but you need to get your license so you can be your own ride and you wont have this problem.

  5. Seriously you sound like a brat, it's your bro's birthday, suck it up.

  6. How old are you both ?

    I think your being unfair.

    Your brothers birthday is once a year. So what if he is having a 2 day celebration ? I'm sure you could manage 2 days of not getting your own way to make your brother happy. I'm sure he's made plenty of sacrifices for you over the years. Remember, it's your mum that has said you can't go, not your brother, so don't take your anger out on him. Make his birthday special. Spend some time with him and his mate, make him feel appreciated and loved. I bet he would be upset if he knew that you would rather go to a concert then stay in on his birthday.

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