My professor assigned me a baby thesis. This is a Social Psychology class that's why she gave me one of the Social Issue particularly to the Youth. The topic is abortion entitled: The Social Implication of Abortion to the Youth.
It's my first time to have assignment like this and I still have no idea about what a baby thesis is. I have not yet enrolled my Basic Research subject or in any subject relating to making papers like this.
With this problem, I'm doubtful that I will present a good paper. Should you want to help, you deserve to receive attention.
Some of the things I need is:
1. Define what an abortion is.
2. Identify some causes of Abortion particularly to the Youth.
3. Discuss the Social implications of Abortion: to the Law, to Religious Sectors, to Educational Institutions, to the immediate family
4. State the effects of abortion: to the population, to the economy
5. Discuss how an aborted youth behaves towards other people after abortion.
Thank you and God bless.