Question:'s about baby thesis again.?

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My professor assigned me a baby thesis. This is a Social Psychology class that's why she gave me one of the Social Issue particularly to the Youth. The topic is abortion entitled: The Social Implication of Abortion to the Youth.

It's my first time to have assignment like this and I still have no idea about what a baby thesis is. I have not yet enrolled my Basic Research subject or in any subject relating to making papers like this.

With this problem, I'm doubtful that I will present a good paper. Should you want to help, you deserve to receive attention.

Some of the things I need is:

1. Define what an abortion is.

2. Identify some causes of Abortion particularly to the Youth.

3. Discuss the Social implications of Abortion: to the Law, to Religious Sectors, to Educational Institutions, to the immediate family

4. State the effects of abortion: to the population, to the economy

5. Discuss how an aborted youth behaves towards other people after abortion.

Thank you and God bless.




  1. Don't be so lazy!  In the time it took you to enter all that info, you could have done a search that would have answered your questions.

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