
Oh my GOD, I can't take it anymore!?

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I am fourteen years old, turning fifteen on September 22. I cannot possibly explain how sick I am of my parents. All we do is fight! Day in and day out. It is so bad that I was thinking of running away and becoming a prostitute. I can't take it. My dad left once, then he came back though only because my lazy *** mother dosen't have a job and my mom told me we would have to move into an apartment if dad left for good. I have nightmares about him. That he comes and kills me! And a lot of bad stuff happend between me and him when I was little. I do not want to get into that though. Is there any possible way I can be on my own at age 14? I really can't take them anymore, they make my life a living h**l.




  1. Well you are 14 so there is no way you can be on your own. What i think you should do is go talk to a counselor or somebody you trust to help you. Then I also think you should pray and build a relationship with God if you haven't already gotten one. Then you should just start praying and asking God to help you through this situation and all you have to do is trust and believe that he will do it and he will.

  2. At 14 you can't do much of anything. Emancipation is out of the question because you are not self-supporting.

    If your parents divorce, your dad would have to pay child support... but you probably would not see a penny of it.

    The best thing that could happen would be if you could move in with other, more mature relatives... try working your contacts. Your grandparents may be able to provide a more stable environment for you.

    You should consider spending as much time away from home as you can. You can participate in more school activities, you can study at a friend's house, you can get a job (or make one) that will take you away from there (and make some $$$). I know kids that created their own gigs by doing something as simple as charging a flat fee for picking up the doggy-poo from people's yards twice a week... 10 houses at $6 to $10 a week can be good money. The trick is to get your chores at home done, and keep your studies/grades up so you don't get in trouble.

    You only have four years before you are 18, so make the best of them in implementing a plan that will get you to launch out of there.

  3. Get some books on coping with family like the Chicken Soup ones or try talking with your parents. You have such a negative view on them that things aren't likely to change if you don't talk to them.Plus chances are they're not letting you live on your own at that age. Just don't become a prostitute!

  4. BS

  5. thats really not right..but its not a good idea to be on your own wen your this young..if you have relatives then call them and ask to stay with them..or call dhr..i know i hate dhr..i was in it but wat else can you do? you might get killed.and prostitution leads to aids which is a death sentence right ont he dot..but thats really not that bad..your situation..ive been through worse..and ive stuck it out...wait till your sixteen so you can become emancipated...which means a legaly 18..or a legal adult..

  6. one word. Emancipation. talk to the city about it. look it up, too.

  7. growing pains. i hated my mom for the longest i cant live without her.this will pass

  8. wow that really sucks. you honestly cannot live by yourself at 14. you have to be like 17 to get emancipated. if you really can't stand it there then see if you can go stay with a relative. if you can't than stay at your friends houses as much as possible. don't run away and throw away your life b/c you hate your parents, you honestly wouldn't be a teenager if you didn't hate your parents. and believe me i know what its like, theres not a day goes by that i don't wish i could leave b/c my dad is terrible and unbelievably abusive, hang in there though. talk to someone and try and hang in there. you have to believe you have the strength inside you. good luck :D

  9. You don't want to hear this, but I hope you take my advice. You are too young to be on your own.

    You need to try to be brave and go talk to a counselor or someone who is in a position to give you real help. You deserve better.

    Good luck.

  10. Call child services and go to a foster home?

  11. You are supposed to hate your parents when you are 15. It won't get easier if you are a prostitute.

  12. aw probresita (poor girl in spanish), i feel sooo bad for you. try moving to your some of your families house for ex. your aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparents, and see if they let you move with them. your just like my cousin she is turning 16 though and she is moving in with her grandmother. if they do anything to you, you have to tell someone. i really do hope EVERYTHING goes ok. GOOD LUCK  

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