
Oh my God.... Cambodia.....?

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Do you know of the things going on in Cambodia????

Our missionaries were giving their testimony today and hey visited orphanges. It was sickening. If ever you consider adopting outside the US would you consider a baby from Cambodia? Many of the are withour ANY family and babies are look at as needy and there's aren't people lining up to adopt these babies. Thanks to the money from prevoius adoptive parents these ophenages can provide food and shelter and a little education.

If you aren't looking to adopt please see consider a dontion to Manna World Wide.

What have you seen from Cambodia? (had to squeeze a question in there)




  1. Indeed it is apparently currently illegal to adopt from Cambodia.  This is due in many ways to a certain US adoption agency that illegally adopted out Cambodian children, some of whom were not even orphans.

    "Seattle International Adoptions, run by Lauryn Galindo - who was found guilty two years later of visa fraud and money laundering related to Cambodian adoptions. "

    This happens to be the same agency Angelina Jolie used to adopt her older son Maddox.  Cambodia closed it's doors to the US on adoptions shortly after the scandal broke.

  2. My cousin and his wife live and work there helping these people - they are doctors and missionaries, giving all that they have to the needy. I believe their dedication and time are worth more than anything, and certainly worth more than taking one child away to a strange country

    I wouldn't dream of taking a child from his or her homeland but I most definitely would sponsor a child or a project and send whatever financial help possible.  Thank you for drawing attention to this I believe we should help and assist but I don't believe we should take their children

  3. Let's take care of the kids here FIRST. And the USA runs out - then go anywhere you want. Unless your a child molester

  4. Adoptions from Cambodia are closed and have been for years due to unethical adoption practices Basically, Cambodian adoption agencies were paying poor desperate families for one of their children and then making them available for international adoption.  USCIS will issue no visas to Cambodian children until the required measures are taken to clean up the adoption system there.

  5. Admittedly, I don't know much about Cambodia. I read a book about a Cambodian girl who was sponsored by a church group in Vermont. She came with her brother and his wife and she posed as their child. She always has nightmares about the fighting in Cambodia (which she was conscripted into for a short time). I believe the book is called "Lucky Child".

    Someone recently told me Cambodia is a main source of children for prostitution. Sad.

  6. I know, Cambodia's situation is awful.

    However, many countries choose to not allow the US or other countries to adopt their children, and I don't know if it's pride or what...but many children there will suffer because their government chooses to not deal with those countries they ban from caring for their children.

    Sad, sad indeed.

  7. I lived in Cambodia for four years (1992-1996) and was familiar with orphanages there.  I was a teacher and our high school kids used to go over every week and play with the little kids.  A number of our married teachers adopted little tots.  Those poor kiddies need loving homes.  They are beautiful children and would make any parent proud.  Not everyone is able to adopt.  When I was there, there was a ruling that to adopt a Cambodian child, you had to prove that you were physically unable to have more children.  I don't know if that is still true.  But by finding a reputable orphanage or organization that helps children and donating to it, you can help those kids have a happy life.

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