
Oh my god...Did I just have an anxiety attack?

by Guest34501  |  earlier

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Okay, well I think I might of just had an anxiety attack but Im not sure. Well lately I've been under alot of stress, because last minute, I have just realized that I chose the wrong college to go too (and as you probably know its AUGUST and classes start next month), and also my boss at work has really been getting on my nerves lately.

Well, I started thinking about all of these things and the bad decisions I have made and out of desperation I immediately ran to the kitchen to eat, and then out of NOWHERE I just could not breathe, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest, I got dizzy, and just had this feeling that the entire world was gonna crash on me. I was also literally gasping for air, it was a really WEIRD feeling, my mom walked into the kitchen and asked if I was okay, and then the symptoms immediately went away

Was this an anxiety attack?




  1. i myself use to suffer from them. yes it was an attack i think you should sit down and tlak with someone tell them about ure problems it helped me and now im fine. hope you feel better if you need any help at all email me take care x

  2. It could have been.

    Try not to put much thought into whether it was anxiety or not.

    When you are feeling very stressed, slow down your breathing.

    Relax all the muscles in your body.  Close your eyes and let your mind go blank.  Your body did come back to feeling normal again.  So if you feel anxiety, it will pass.  You can take charge of your body before you think it is taking charge of you.  Nip it in the bud with the first sign of stress.  Good Luck.  

  3. Sure those are symptoms that come with panic attacks - racing heart, dizziness, shortness of breath, dizziness, they can be short or long-lasting and can develop into more serious symptoms such as having trouble sleeping, lying awake at night thinking about the things that are bothering you. If can make it worse if you are tired, so try not to let it get to that stage, Can you talk to someone about the pressure e.g. your mom, a friend, maybe a college counsellor? May be try to reduce the strain by setting some time aside to relax each day, doing some meditation or a yoga class, even just reading a book. Don't worry about college, even if you can't put it off a year you can always switch further down the line, maybe you will find it's not the wrong decision after all, once you get started.

  4. Yes, you got a panic attack. Your body was responding to the stress it was under. And, when you started thinking too intensely about your problems, your breathing became short and shallow (Chances are you weren't even aware of this). Because of the lack of oxygen, your chest started pounding and you began to feel dizzy. Don't worry, it wont kill you, but it's a terrible feeling just the same. The best way to prevent this from happening again is basic yoga and deep breathing techniques. I can send you details of basic relaxation techniques and deep breathing exercises. Also, there's a mountain of books and tapes to choose from, but stick with the basics.

    Give the deep breathing exercises a chance, but if after that, your boss is still getting on your nerves, look for another job. People move on all the time. I'm not sure how to advise you regarding your college decision, but if you were my daughter, I'd say give it a go and see what happens. Talk to somebody at the college and see what your options are.

    They say there's no point  crying over spilt milk. With all the milk I spilt over the years, I could have owned my own dairy farm! Good luck!

  5. Yes, it was.

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